I know Barbelith loves Ghostface Killah. As in, he's broadly popular, and there are a few people who really, really love him. Well, he's got a new album coming out in March, his fifth solo LP. I've not heard a single bar of it yet, but if the Comics and Film/TV fora can have threads anticipating things, so can Music! Plus, Ghost would have to seriously drop off in quality for this album not be worth buying (he's never made an album that didn't have something to recommend it). And as ever, the cover is fantastic:

What else? Oh yeah, he has his own doll:

I mean, it doesn't look great, but just the fact that he has one, you know?

What else? There's the album/DVD he just put out with Trifa Da God, called Put It On The Line - not heard it yet, Seth recommends it, that'll do for me, I'll have to try and pick that up this weekend.
What else? Oh, he's got a whole other album coming out with MF Doom, and MF Doom has produced a few beats for FishScale and apparently rhymes on it too. Read more about it in this interview. I know Lithers go nuts for Doom round here. Check out the interview, 'cos he answers the question Ghost once posed, "Why did Judas rat to the Romans while Jesus slept?" - it's a very Seven Soldiers answer.
What else? Oh yeah, Ghost's putting the mask back on:

Is it true you’re putting the mask back on?
Yeah, I’m putting the mask back on. Take the kids back for a little. Take them on a little memory, you know, boom.
What else?