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Doctor Who: The Christmas Invasion


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Regrettable Juvenilia
06:43 / 09.01.06
How do you know "they" didn't let him use it, rather than it being the actor's choice?
yawn - thing's buddy
10:07 / 09.01.06
eccleston was shit. reason I didn't watch the first series beyond ep 2.

for me, he was good in 'our friends...' - that's it. (and his whining, earnest style and slapped child of a face, even in that, pissed me off)

tenant pisses me off in most things I've seen him in - apart from Who - for which he is perfect. And in this christmas special, he was very, very good.

Despite its successs, it was a risky episode to run with I thought. First half was ultra-boring; i'd imagine quite a few viewers switched over before the doctor woke up.

But what a turnaround when tenant did stir, eh? Quite astonishing really because it managed to make what went before seem retrospectively satisfying too.

I still hate billy piper tho.

ps. get a strong marvelman whiff from 'Torwood'.

pps. and the six words that would unravel the pm? do you think this might have been lifted from supe's fate at the hands of luthor in red son? (mind you, I'm sure this has been done before elsewhere, too)
10:13 / 09.01.06
Of course the Christmas Invasion looks likely to contradict World War III which stated that Harriet Jones would serve three terms...

But, you know, a minor thing...
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:19 / 09.01.06
Quite astonishing really because it managed to make what went before seem retrospectively satisfying too.

I agree entirely, although there seem to be a lot of people who didn't think so.

sleaze: I actually really like the idea that Chris Ecclestone's Doctor was as wrong about the UK's Golden Age as he was about humanity's "Third Age". Now, the explanation given for the latter was that it got mucked up by the Daleks, but I always thought RTD was making a point about how what the history books say is the Golden Age never really is, so I was glad to see the shine come off Harriet Jones. Plus the Doctor is always getting his facts slightly wrong, and in part this is due to things changing because he's there.
Lama glama
17:36 / 09.01.06
sleazenation:Of course the Christmas Invasion looks likely to contradict World War III which stated that Harriet Jones would serve three terms...

I've been thinking about that a little bit too. We know that Captain Jack is currently stuck on a future earth and we also know that he has to be back in present (ish) times for "Torchwood." Maybe Jack finds an alien spaceship with time travel capabilities that takes him back to Britain in the mid nineties, matching up with the alien technology that Harriet Jones said had crashed-the technology they used to create the Torchwood laser beam.

The Doctor leaving Jack behind on a Dalek ravaged earth is probably the very reason that Harriet Jones' golden age is no longer going happen. Anyway, I'm probably over-reaching with this idea--plus we'd have to account for where Jack has been over these years.

Ramble complete.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:45 / 09.01.06
Or perhaps he rejoins the Doctor somewhere down the line?

(In 'Bad Wolf' one of the questions in 'The Weakest Link' is about a pyramid that was built on the ruins of the Torchwood Institute)
H3ct0r L1m4
14:34 / 25.12.06
sorry to dig up this thread one year later; this was aired yesterday in Brazil. I just hope it's sign series 2 is on the way.

despite the problems mentioned above I loved it for the fact that I had a new and very cool Christmas special to watch on TV, something that brings me back to my days as a wee lad, heheh.

did I miss something or was there a scene with Doctor Tennant picking up his suit and white converses? the episode here ended with him still on pijamas, slippers and robe.

I loved that he defeated a race of medieval-looking muscle and bones aliens in his pijamas [that line with him reproducing the Sycorax leader gutural tone was priceless; well, he was full of neat one-liners], no matter how I found the swordfight a bit dull and not how I suppose a Doctor would solve this; hm, then again perhaps he knows how that particular race works.

I was sorry to see Eccleston go, but Tennant has the mad energy and indie kid aura to pull it off. this might have already been covered in series 2, but:

I supose that - even in this memoryless state - this new incarnation of the Doctor remembers the Time War but is also much less depressed about it as he's seen he didn't kill the whole race of Daleks. although I suppose he wishes he wasn't the last Time Lord around.

Doc Eccs had spent too much time in that incarnation and seen awfull things in that persona. you may remember in the pilot how he was photographed on his way to the Titanic...

all in all a good ep., picking right after the end of series 1 and the special charity short and fast forwarding the concept to a promising series 2, no matter how I think the Government should have no ties at all to the Doc.

extra points to those who caught the Thatcher-Faulklands-Blair vibe out of PM Jones. I suppose the near future might see the Doctar fighting Torchwood opposite sides, maybe?
15:05 / 25.12.06
They cut the wardrobe scene and the end? Dangit, those bits are fabulous. Yeah, they were in there, and there was a really nice song in the background, too. Shame you were denied them.
H3ct0r L1m4
09:00 / 26.12.06
if i'm correct it ended wih doc, rose and mickey walking away from the pm and her assistant.

thanks. youtube here i go.
09:12 / 26.12.06
Sounds like they might have cut it down slightly, possibly to help it fit into a specific time slot.

The full Christmas Invasion was about an hour long, longer than a standard episode. Did you miss out on the season two preview as well?
09:59 / 26.12.06
Doctor: Bit quick to get married?
Bride: I know, well, he insisted

H3ct0r L1m4
16:12 / 26.12.06
the 2005 special [guess you're discussing this year's here as well] was the usual hour long ep - commercial breakes included.

so, yeah, they trimmed it down. =/

mind you, I watched it at the brazilian People+Arts cable channel, which broadcasts a lot of BBC content.

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