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Doctor Who: The Christmas Invasion


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22:38 / 25.12.05
So, after six months of anticipation we have now had the Christmas invasion... and I must say, I was a little disappointed - it all seemed a little too fast to the point of rushedness... I was also left a little cold by Harriet Jones's transformation into a ruthless cross between Blair and Thatcher... And all the fighting...

Having said which, In still enjoyed it well enough - I'm still in the 'any new who is good who' phase and it might well be that the Christmas Invasion will reward repeat viewings like The End of the World (another episode that i was disappointed with at first, but have subsequently come to love)...

So, what did everyone else make of The Christmas Invasion... And did anyone else play Attack of the Grask?
22:59 / 25.12.05
"Ah no... that's The Lion King".

I loved it. Sorry, I'm actuially far too drunk to expand on why. But I did.
23:05 / 25.12.05
"Arthur Dent .. Now there was a lovely man"

"Im not a man who gives second chances "

"This heres a fighting hand !"

Oh so worth the wait
miss wonderstarr
07:18 / 26.12.05
For me it only kicked into gear after about 45 minutes, when the Sycorax -- unlikely that an alien species would name itself after a character from The Tempest -- started indignantly talking English.

Apart from the kewl lines cited above, I enjoyed most the "meta" sense of it: Davies really exploring the process of regeneration in a way I haven't seen in any previous Doctor Who, and dwelling on the first hours when this new Doctor can make himself. We as viewers are asking what kind of Doctor this will be, as is Ruby, as is David Tennant -- but the Doctor as character is also finding himself, writing himself, asking himself what sort of man he is and how he's different from the last one. An especially nice scene was the choosing of trademark costume, as the clothes each Doctor wears are so key to his distinct identity: after the limbo of pyjamas, he had to find an outfit that expressed him. It seemed knowing and aware without being too ironically wry.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
08:24 / 26.12.05
There’s not really any other way of putting this but David Tennant as the Doctor fucking rocks. Until he properly made his presence felt towards the end I was kinda of thinking the episode was a bit rushed and shit – but that scorching performance once he did show up more than made the wait worthwhile. His Doctor once he got rolling was just absolutely, absolutely how the Doctor should be at least as far as I’m concerned – smart, showy, brighter and more fabulous than everybody else, very caring and human but capable of turning pretty cold and alien in an instant to anyone who really pisses him off. Here’s hoping he has a long tenure.

On a less positive note I found the behaviour of most of the human’s in the episode sort of off – all whinging and whining and waiting for the Doctor to save them; even Rose through most of the episode, and she’s previously been largely portrayed as anything but the passive damsel in distress waiting to be saved. Only previously very unimpressive Mickey really seemed to be up for saying ‘fuck it we better do something ourselves then’ – I guess he’s being built up a bit for the coming series when he becomes a full blown companion, which is fine – but I’d possibly rather it wasn’t at the expense of making the rest of humankind look crap.
08:57 / 26.12.05
I really loved it and I loved David Tennant but I don't know if I can express why in any sort of critical sense.
09:27 / 26.12.05
His Hausness?

Yes, I found the cargo cult mentality of the humans a bit pathetic. Also, the tendency to show global invasion from the viewpoint of a single nation is equally irritating when that nation is the UK.
09:28 / 26.12.05
He's even more like Haus now I've seen the way he acts and talks. It's just weird.
09:35 / 26.12.05
My Mum put an interesting spin on my thinking when she suggested that Ecclestone always felt "unhappy". She never believed his big smile and cheeky one-liners, and, now that I think about it, neither did I. That's not to say I didn't like Ecclestone in the role, just that I didn't entirely buy into him as the Doctor. Tennant on the other hand I believe, he's just bloody perfect.
09:41 / 26.12.05
There always seemed to be a sort of desperation to Ecclestone- the cheeky chappiness always seemed to be more an attempt to convince himself, rather than anyone else. Which fitted perfectly, given the way he was playing him as a man haunted by guilt over his role in the Time Wars. Tennant genuinely seems to be enjoying himself, yet still has the deep reserves of anger (as witnessed in the "General Belgrano" scene with the PM). Perhaps this is just his new persona- perhaps he feels his defeat of the Daleks has gone some way towards making amends and he's slowly coming to terms with his guilt. Perhaps I need to get out more.

(BTW, does anyone else reckon Rose's mum would be a far better companion than Mickey? Not dissing the guy or anything, I just think she'd be better).
10:46 / 26.12.05
Ah, a true fan speaks. I really shouldn't be allowed in these threads.
Gary Lactus
12:57 / 26.12.05
I'm more inclined towards thinking that Ecclestone simply couldn't pull off the cheeky chappie. His grinning "fantastic" always made me cringe. Tennant's "fantastic" at the end of the Christmas Invasion however, I felt a lot more comfortable with. I have very good feelings about the coming series. The trailer at the end got me very excited: K9, Sarah Jane Smith... tears began to well in my eyes (okay, I'd been drinking all day, but still...).

Also played the interactive adventure afterwards with Mum and Brother Joe. Fun as a novelty (this was my first experience of interactive TV). Had no feelings of "oh my god, I'm experiencing the future of television!". Fun for kids... and drunk families.
Gary Lactus
12:59 / 26.12.05
Another reason why I'm eagerly anticipating the next series:
They did a lot of exposition in the Christmas special and now we're all set for Dr. Whoah! to hit the ground running in the spring.
Lama glama
13:06 / 26.12.05
Throughout the episode there seemed to be a central theme of "Who am I?" Rose and company, for the majority of the episode, felt that the new Doctor wasn't going to live up to the expectations of the old one, such as when she states that he wouldn't spend all of this time in bed and so forth. Without the Doctor, Rose lost a lot of her self-identity. This has previously been mentioned in the Parting of the Ways where she says that with the Doctor, she leads a more meaningful life.

The most interesting identity crisis of all was Harriet Jones'. During the episode she constantly introduced herself. Everybody knew who she was, from Zally to the Sycorax (who rock!). Everybody believed they knew who she was, including the audience. However, when she initiates Torchwood we're confronted with a new identity for her, one that is unusual. It's at this moment, (or rather, shortly before) that we're re-introduced the same old valiant, morally indignant Doctor. I quite enjoyed what RTD did here, presenting us with a character we do know, and making her do what we don't expect, questioning her identity and presenting us with a character that we don't (yet) know and re-establish him as the same old fellow.

Mm..I think I've rambled. Anyway, I hope some of you get what I'm trying to say. Season 2 looks great, especially that shot of Tennant extinguishing a fire.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:31 / 26.12.05
Hmmm, much the same as everyone else really, each second of the show that the Doctor was unconscious for dragged, I felt they should have gone the opposite direction, rather than have the Doctor unconscious in Rose's Mum's flat, have him running around madly, hindering as much as helping as he tries to help Harriet. When he steps out of the TARDIS forty minutes in it's a big yay moment, but the jousting was embaressingly fake, it was so badly blocked out it was obvious that they'd had no time to prepare the actors to do it. The bit where the Doctor's hand get's chopped off but regenerates because he's still in 'the regeneration window', really awkward.

I hope that series two will also make it clear how Doctor Tennant differs in personality from Doctor Ecclestone. I saw nothing last night to suggest there's any difference, which would be a shame and a missed opportunity.

Waiting for the Spring now...
Lama glama
18:00 / 26.12.05
I saw nothing last night to suggest there's any difference, which would be a shame and a missed opportunity.

I'd have to disagree to a certain extent. Doctor Ecclestone stated many times that he'd never "do domestic" and that he'd never sit down for a dinner with the Tylers. We saw Doctor Tennant doing the exact opposite, showing that he feels differently in this new incarnation of his. I know that's just one slight difference, admittedly.
miss wonderstarr
18:12 / 26.12.05
Can someone explain "Torchwood" for me. As I understand it, it was originally the anagrammatic codeword for Doctor Who, like "Blue Harvest" for Return of the Jedi.

However, it's now a forthcoming post-watershed TV series, apparently featuring Captain Jack.

And it's also part of the Who-niverse. So is it a spin-off, with the same relation as Angel has to Buffy?
Lama glama
18:17 / 26.12.05
It's Earth's answer for when the Doctor isn't about, albeit far more explodey, I suppose.

On a similar note, that UNIT set was pretty impressive. Almost too impressive to be used exclusively for the Christmas special. Maybe they'll use it for Torchwood the series.
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions
00:14 / 27.12.05
And it's also part of the Who-niverse. So is it a spin-off, with the same relation as Angel has to Buffy?

Pretty much. At least as I understand it. It's the people who protect the Earth when the Dr is gone (and after the kids are asleep). And it's gonna star Captain Jack... who will need one hell of a supporting cast or else that's gonna get dull quick.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved Capt. Jack but a whole show of him? without the Dr to flirt with?

And regarding the Eccelstone's guild vs. Tennent's being happy: Perhaps one of the things he no longer remembers is the Time War? If the Regeneration heals the *damage* done the Doctor, then perhaps that includes the emotional and mental damage incurred in the War?
00:24 / 27.12.05
I dunno - I'm all for more TV SF from RTD on our screens, but I worry about the idea of Dr Who spin offs - I just keep thinking about She-Ra and K9 and Company...
03:36 / 27.12.05
She-Ra's never been far from your mind though, has she?
08:27 / 27.12.05
Anyone notice the Belgrano reference along with the reference to how Thatcher fell? I missed them until a mate pointed it out as 'bleedin' obvious' .
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:48 / 27.12.05
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions And regarding the Eccelstone's guild vs. Tennent's being happy: Perhaps one of the things he no longer remembers is the Time War? If the Regeneration heals the *damage* done the Doctor, then perhaps that includes the emotional and mental damage incurred in the War?

I don't think so. To me the crisis point was reached at the end of 'Parting of the Ways', the Doctor was unable to commit genocide again, and instead sacrificed his life to save Rose. I think his wounds were already healed before he regenerated.

I'm just wondering if the new Doctor is still Jack's type...
09:18 / 27.12.05
al- I think you'll find I mentioned it!

That was a nice touch, actually- I was looking out for Iraq parallels ("he's not my boss" and all that) and then we suddenly got the Falklands. Quality.
All Acting Regiment
18:54 / 27.12.05
Thumbs up for:

The nastiness of those unexplained Santa asassins. They're just referred to as Pilot Fish, and that's it. Thought the little mystery there was good.

The design of the Belgrano/Sycorax spaceship. Suitably vast and epic, organic but made of rock, presumably. Like a really big, really mean version of that floating island off the Gorillaz video. Also the medieval look of the Sycorax themselves. Big red cloaks. Swords. Very British Predator. Predator in battle re-enactment society mode.
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions
03:02 / 28.12.05
I'm just wondering if the new Doctor is still Jack's type...

I think you've hit on the most important question, actually. I can't picture Tennent having the same dynamic with Jack as Eccs, though.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
07:23 / 28.12.05
I kind of thought a large part of good old Captain Jack’s character is that pretty much everyone is his type, from Rose to the Doctor, to a couple of killer robots - if he meets it he’s gonna flirt with it, and that for is where much of his charm comes from. However I do see that with the new Doctor seeming to be so much more of a swashbuckling daring do sort of a guy that Jack could be a tad redundant on screen – which is possibly part of the reason he’s mainly going to be starring in Torchwood rather than the main Doctor Who series.
08:20 / 28.12.05
I dunno, one think the Doctor has never really been is a traditional action hero... I think I'd need to be sold on the idea a whole lot more, but we shall see what the new series has in store for us...
08:50 / 28.12.05
Jon Pertwee was vaguely action man-ish, wasn't he?

Jack's bisexual, which makes him greedy fencesitting scum ie. everybody's his type.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
10:25 / 28.12.05
Yeah, I wouldn’t want the Doctor to be a straight up action hero and I didn’t mean to imply that I thought he was going to be. It’s just I fail to really see what Jack can possibly do that’s going to be more physically impressive or have more of a ‘What a Guy’ factor than Tennant’s performance against the Sycorax. I think the main thing that distanced the performance from dull actions heroics wasn’t so much what he did as the glittering showy way he did it and the sparkling banter that he was coming out with during the confrontation.

As an aside I could be wrong but I’m sure I remember McCoy being fairly physical on the odd occasion as well even getting down to some sword fighting at least once or twice and I don’t think anyone would have really thought of him as an action man type.

Thinking about it I also find myself more or less convinced that Tennant as the Doctor is that damn impressive he’s probably everyone’s type……….
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:29 / 28.12.05
It’s just I fail to really see what Jack can possibly do that’s going to be more physically impressive or have more of a ‘What a Guy’ factor than Tennant’s performance against the Sycorax.

Have a better choreographed fight routine?
Tryphena Absent
10:08 / 29.12.05
I just keep thinking about She-Ra and K9 and Company...

That's not funny. She-Ra was a work of art.
10:10 / 29.12.05
She wasn't bad, she was drawn that way...
Alex's Grandma
13:09 / 30.12.05
I think soulful ex-soldier James Bl(o)unt should be co-opted as Captain Jack's new companion for Torchwood (in more ways than one).

"Write the feem choon ... sing the feem choon ..."

It can't fail.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:09 / 09.01.06
I didn't realise, until watching the 'Christmas Invasion' making of... on the s.1 box set that David Tennant has a Scottish accent, it's a shame they didn't let him use it for Who.

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