Well, hang on.... I thought Oaten had withdrawn from the leadership contest earlier in the week after failing to find enough backers to even launch a proper bid - that's the reason why he isn’t standing in the leadership election. We only heard anything about the NOTW story after his withdrawal - like, yesterday - and in fact they probably would have been happier if he *was* still a full candidate when they went to print, if only so they could take the credit for torpedoing his bid. But this story isn’t actually the reason why he isn’t standing, is it? Just in terms of How News Works, I can’t believe that this *News Of The World Exclusive!*-thing was leaked earlier in the week, to Oaten himself, to any other lib dems, to anyone, otherwise the Screws would have been totally scooped well before Sunday.
They *might* have bought down a would-be leader, *if* he was standing when they went to print with their story, but he wasn't, so they didn't. They just caused someone who had already - independantly - decided he wasn't going to be leader to resign from the lib dem front bench.
...Or have I got that wrong? |