Unfortunately most of the comics I want to see turned into movies are purely for my - and a small set of others - benefit, and would probably neither sell to, nor be comprehendable easily by, a mainstream big audience.
'Zenith', 'Marvel Boy', 'Planetary', 'Enigma', 'X-Statix', or even 'Transmetropolitan' simply require too much specialist awareness... or a willingness to let things be interpreted on the fly, as they come, without worrying about how you're supposed to interpret them.
As ever, the intelligence of "a mainstream big audience" is being massively underestimated, and the complexity of the material in question overstated. To pick the two obvious examples: Marvel Boy is essentially a big shiny action movie with lots of CGI already: the pretty, sexy kids in tight clothes defeat the evil megacorporations and bad parents while running up walls and shooting big guns - things go BOOM! Transmetropolitan has a perfectly simple pitch: he's a foul-mouthed, drug-addled journalist who uncovers a massive conspiracy, all in the future - it's All The President's Men meets Fear & Loathing on the set of Bladerunner. There's no guarantee either of these films would be any good - mind you, in the case of the latter, neither were large chunks of the comic - but that would be a failure of execution, not because the comics you like are too advanced for the masses. |