Okay. There's fucking tonnes, and I'm sure I'll post more up, but first and foremost:
Pat Mills
If one man can be said to have changed the face of modern British comics, then Mr Mills is that man. Alongside John Wagner he took the stagnating Boys adventure comics and hauled them kicking and screaming into the punk era. 'Battle' the war comic, and more importantly the notorious 'Action' (home of some of th best exploitation comics Britain's ever produced) were both helmed by Mills, and a good chunk of the best strips were produced by him ('Hookjaw' - killer shark extraordinaire from Action, 'Charley's War' and 'Johnny Red' from Battle for example). Brutal, morally complex stories that to all intents looked like the sanitised 'boys own' fare that had been clogging up the newsagents shelves.
From the ashes of these came (of course) 2000AD. No need to talk too much about why this is so great, but Mills pretty much invented the fucker from scratch. Dredd, Flesh, Nemesis, Bill Savage, Ro-Busters (then the ABC Warriors), Slaine...it's an impressive list. The characters were subversive anti-heroes, and Mills favourite trick was to present humans as the villains - nasty, sanctimonious xenophopic assholes. Can there be a greater Villain than Torquemada? Saddled with amazing Brit art talent (MvMahon, O'Neill, McCarthy, Gibbons, et al) it was prime 2000ad beefcake.
Although his later work has suffered, and structured stories has never been his strong point, his contribution to CRISIS, and creation of Marshall Law proved he still had the vitriol tht fuelled his best work. His fiery, irrepressible anarchic imagination is pretty much responsible for getting me into comics (a reprint of 'Nemesis Book III' blew my eleven year old mind apart), and without him, a wealth of amazing British talent would possibly never have made it. A true legend. |