I speak Danish as my mother tongue, and English pretty close to fluently.
I know bits and pieces of German and French from school, but I never really bothered to put in the effort, so it's not impressive.
Finally, I know single words and phrases of a number of languages, e.g. from watching way too much anime.
For those with an interest in learning Danish, a few words, might be helpful to get you started (although I hear it hideously difficult for non-danes to get the pronunciation right):
Pikspiller - Literally, 'wanker'.
Fladpande - 'Flat forehead', a generel insult, implying stupidity.
Møgludder - 'Trash hore', but that doesn't convey the emotional content. Popularised by the rapper Jokeren.
Røvhul - 'Asshole', plain and simple.
Fnatmide - Name of the parasite that cause scabies. A generel insult, but often meaning someone who is annoying, but insignificant. |