Here's a nice little story to kick things off.
As you know, if you've checked out the previous threads, I work with a spirit that responds to the name and associated imagery of Jack Skellington, from The Nightmare Before Christmas (what this spirit actually "is", I won't speculate), and I wear a little Skellington-head pendent as a focus in my practice. My son, unfortunately, likes to grab it and yank (he's 2), so I lose it now and again.
Sometime in August, I lost it good - it possibly fell off while I was sleeping, or maybe earlier in the day, but I just couldn't find it, and for weeks it completely failed to show up (Keanu would've had nothing but harsh words for it).
October 1 looming close, I finally (in the chill dark of night) called out to Jack and asked him to please return his pendant to me... and when I came home from work the next day, my wife told me, "oh, I found your Jack Skellington today - I put it on the shelf by the bed."
Score one for the Pumpkin King. 
Yeah, stuff like that is par for the course when you're working with the spirits, but it was still a nice reminder that Jack listens, and will do things.
I really look forward to breaking out my Halloween ritual gear: the black and orange candles, incense from the leaves of past Autumns, plastic bats, candy corn (in a little plastic coffin), and the goblin bells... I love this time of year.
Good night, and good haunting! |