Mel- I had a similar stoned year with no responsibilities and a new Mac. I downloaded SNES9X and played every SNES game I couldn't afford at the time, plus all the japanese translations.
All the super-classic games have been covered, but I'll add my two cents for some obscure ones.
Samurai Shodown was a great 2D fighter. Think Soul Calibur to Street Fighter's Tekken. Memorable characters, excellent fighting engine and it was intuitive enough that you could pick it up and have a (small) chance against an experienced player. I was playing this one after the N64 debuted. And then Mace came out and Shodown never saw the light of day again. Still a great game, though.
Bahamut Lagoon is one of those ROM-only translations from Japan, but the translators did a professional job. It's from Square, and it's a strategy game, sort of a Final Fantasy Tactics with a fleet of vicious dragons that level up and evolve the more you fight them. If you're a fan of FFT or pre-Enix Square, you owe it to yourself to download this one. It's free and guilt-free (to me, anyway) because this will never be published in English, and the translators worked their asses off to make a near-perfect English version. I'm sure the original programmers wouldn't hold it against you either.
Now, I know I'm willfully contradicting the thread definition here, but for all Final Fantasy fans, Final Fantasy 3 for the NES must be played in its' wonderfully translated ROM form. It has the job system of FF5 (honestly, it's better, in my eyes) and is the first Final Fantasy with cogent, likable characters. I get pissed off every time I pop in FF awn of Souls on the GBA and see that the well-intentioned-but-lackluster FF2 got the nod for the sweet reworking over this absolute masterpiece. If you're a FF fan, you will see that almost every sweet gameplay tweak that we credit to the SNES FF's got started right here in this li'l ol' NES game. It's fantastic. Play it. |