If Roe v. Wade were overturned, however, it would immediately provide the opportunity for those of us on the left to push for a constitutional amendment protecting a woman's right to choose.
Such a thing would never, ever pass. 2/3 of the House, 2/3 of the Senate, and 3/4 of the states voting for a Constitutional amendment to protect abortion? Are you smoking crack? I can think of a handful of states where a pro-choice amendment would pass: California, New York, New Jersey, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the New England states. Maybe Illinois, Oregon, and Washington, too. Nowhere near 3/4.
If Roe goes, so does abortion.
No, no no no no no NO!! This is not the time for hoping and waiting my friend!! NOW is the time to alert your congressperson that you are against this nomination!!
No. Your congressman has no control over this issue. Supreme Court nominees need a simple majority in the Senate, no vote in the House required at all.
Senators, having much broader constituencies and much bigger campaign coffers they need to fill, are seldom as responsive to letter-writing campaigns. They know who their backers are, and statewide elections are harder to tip without major political realignments.
For what it's worth, my state (California) gave its electoral votes to Kerry, and my Senators (Boxer and Feinstein) are already two of the staunchest supporters of abortion rights in the Senate. That's about the sum total of my representation in the Supreme Court nomination process, sadly. I can scream myself hoarse to anyone and everyone, but it will have precisely zero input on the situation.
So, hope and wait it is for me. |