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Cindy Sheehan


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19:57 / 30.09.05
I can think of a LOT more people I'd rather see 'go away' - people whose actions are actively corrupt or dangerous or a 101 other things

True. But the Bush admnistration has been around for many years now. There's only so much I can say about them before my ire needs to be pointed in another direction for a brief respite.

Go on, Slim, explain why you think she should go away.

To be fair, I never said that she should go away, only that I can't wait until she does so.

Part of this is because I'm tired of hearing about her on the news. There are other things going on in the world and it's frustrating to have to go to the BBC or some other foreign news service to get information. This is mostly the media's fault but no Sheehan = no media coverage. I recognize that this is a somewhat self-centered reason but I'd be less than honest if I didn't admit that I'm simply annoyed by the continuous coverage.

The second (and probably larger)reason is that I don't agree with what she's doing. I don't want my President to spend time meeting with pissed-off parents. Between Iraq, Afghanistan and Katrina, there's plenty of issues for him to be focused on. He's beholden to the people, not the person. If Bush wants to meet with her then that's fine. However, as the President, he's not obligated to meet with a citizen any more than I would be if Sheehan stood outside my apartment demanding my personal attention.

I don't agree with some of Sheehan's views, either. She's one of the "Bring the troops home now!" people. That would be the absolute worst thing for the U.S. to do, as it would be disasterous for the U.S. and for the Iraqi people. In my eyes, people who argue for the immediate removal of troops don't know what they're talking about and therefore shouldn't have their views aired on the evening news. Kinda like Bush! Also, according to her Wiki, she referred to the Iraqi situation as genocide. It's a ridiculous assertion and one that makes me think she'd sacrifice the truth for her political agenda, very much like the administration she despises.

I had a lot of sympathy for her cause when she was camping out outside the ranch but those days are long gone. Nowadays she's a highly-annoying political commentator and I feel very little sympathy for her cause.

To sum up: 1)I'm tired of her media-darling status 2)Bush shouldn't have to meet with her 3)I disagree with some of her opinions 4)She's become a political commentator (and not a good one at that).
electric monk
13:47 / 23.11.05
Heard on Air America this morning that Camp Casey has returned to Crawford. Ms. Sheehan isn't there yet, but will arrive tomorrow. Seems some laws have been tweaked since the protesters were last in town, so that it is now illegal to hold a demonstration near Georgie's "ranch". (I had thought Camp Casey was given space on private property across from the Bush compound, which should make these new laws a non-issue, but I'm probably missing something). About 20 demonstrators have volunteered to be arrested, including Daniel Ellsburg (sp?). Will try to find linkage.

I think Sheehan and crew are doing a wonderful thing: Opening a space for discussion that did not exist previously. A lot of the momentum away from Bush and his ideas is due, I think, to them. Bless 'em.
electric monk
13:57 / 23.11.05
I don't want my President to spend time meeting with pissed-off parents. Between Iraq, Afghanistan and Katrina, there's plenty of issues for him to be focused on.

I didn't want my President touring America pushing his Social Security "reform", but he had plenty of time for that despite the happenings in Iraq and Afghanistan. If he can go on a bus tour for 30 days (meeting with hand-picked supporters, mind you), he's got time for Cindy Sheehan.
electric monk
14:10 / 23.11.05
V. short article here.

Seems the protest is going to be okay, but parking's gonna be a BITCH!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
23:10 / 24.11.05
Sheehan is having trouble getting noticed for anything other than being arrested now, since the big anti-war rally she spoke at was marginalized. Part of it was that the right wingers in the media had finally figured out a message they could use against her, part of it was Katrina, but the biggest part of it in my midn was that the protest itself didn't stay on message.

The speeches I saw started with anti-war stuff, but then dissolved into a mish-mash of anti-Bush, pro Social Secuiryt, racism, etc...

One thing the right wing has in this country is the ability to stay on message. If the left wing could keep hammering on the anti-war stuff ONLY, they'd make headway, because the polls show people are seeing the war as a major failure.

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