Xoc, dear, none of the number-picking/placing was deliberate, except for one (guess which one)...
Thanks, grant, for reminding me about adrian. I hadn't actually forgot him, I just forgot his name. And then I did forget him, cos I didn't add him to the list. The other guy who was in NYC was Gibreel aka belbin aka Pepsi Max.
Punji Steak: I did remember you and your impressions of a male lion on heat, I just didn't know your ficsuit. I assume that there are probably other people Stoatie knows who are on here and that I have met, but I don't know their names either. (ditto for Southampton and friends of Jack the Bodiless)
Paleface: You're probably right. I think I may have actually met you at a blogmeet rather than a Barbemeet, which reminds me that I suppose I should point out that several of the names on this list were people I met at blogmeets rather than Barbemeets, which again reminds me that I should probably add some more:
120. LMG
121. Cal
123. Lillith Myth
124. brainsluice
and also, I met, earlier this year
125. ammonius
No doubt this list will be added to. I'm glad I didn;t actually forget meeting Quantum! But I have met some of GGM's Brighton friends, and maybe some of them are on here...? |