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Hulk Hogan's birthday LateShift


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Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:25 / 15.08.05
I'm up for a while, washing clothing and getting ready for a week's trip to Northern Minnesota for a training I will promptly pay no attention to the minute I'm done with it.

Northern Minnesota is my version of a fresh hell.
04:33 / 15.08.05
Could be worse. Could be winter.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:34 / 15.08.05
I suppose. But if it were winter, I'd have a reason to hide in my hotel room and build a fort out of pillows and comforters.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
04:37 / 15.08.05
You have my sympathies. Northern Minnesota makes Downeast Maine look positively cosmopolitan.
04:49 / 15.08.05
Mmm. And it makes Raleigh-Durham look like Athens on its best day, I reckon.
05:03 / 15.08.05
Anyway, I'm off to bed. Sleep on your sides, everyone.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
05:17 / 15.08.05
I'm off thataway, myself. Sleep well, everybody.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
05:17 / 15.08.05
I'm off to bed too. "Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice."
23:30 / 15.08.05
Anyone shifting? I've just got back from the pub where I had some nice drinks with (the most wonderful) Lilly and TangoMango... I'm about to embark on my traditional Stoatie's Bi-Weekly Horror Movies And Booze Shenanigans Monday... tonight it's the original Dawn Of The Dead.

What YOU bin up to?
Jake, Colossus of Clout
23:35 / 15.08.05
Not lateshifting here, but my ass is planted in front of the ballgame, I'm perusing Barbelith, and I'm drinking beer, so I might as well be.

What horror flicks you watching, Stoatie?
Jake, Colossus of Clout
23:36 / 15.08.05
D'oh. Dawn of the Dead. I'm a halfwit.
23:40 / 15.08.05
Nah, you ain't no halfwit. Earlier this evening I had a great conversation with an old flatmate of mine (not the mad one about whom I'm always whingeing) about horror movies, and he's a TOTAL horror movie fan (and about ten years younger than me... I think he must be the next generation) and he kept getting his Romero movies confused...

No halfwit is you. "Less sad and geeky than Stoatie", maybe.
23:41 / 15.08.05
Well, unless you actually are a halfwit. But you've given no evidence of that so far!
23:46 / 15.08.05
I'm watching STEALTH at the moment, the first film to answer the question: what if you gave Skynet a jet?

The answer isn't good. Not good at all!
23:47 / 15.08.05
Is the movie any good? It looked shit yet fun from the trailers...
Jake, Colossus of Clout
23:49 / 15.08.05
Well, I personally don't think so, anyway. I do live in rural Maine, though, so it's not hard to feel smart in comparison. For example, in the last bar I worked at, these two gentlemen started pounding the shit out of each other because one drove a Ford and the other drove a Chevy. It's easy to feel like a really sharp guy when you're surrounded by people like that.

On horror flicks- I TiVoed Candyman: Day of the Dead recently, having loved the original. Seen it? Worth watching?
23:49 / 15.08.05
It's pretty shit, yet fun. I'm about half an hour into it and all I've learned is that they give out crap nu-rock to everyone in the Navy. Even the deathputers.
23:50 / 15.08.05
Counterpoint: plenty of stuff is explodey!
23:52 / 15.08.05
Nobody loves me anymore except my pets. Can I hang out with you guys?
23:53 / 15.08.05
Guys, I have a quick girl-related question I need some input on and probably someone to smack some sense into me. Any of youse up for a quick PM?
23:56 / 15.08.05
Sure you can hang out! How was your day, Sekh?

You could watch STEALTH with me, this is really one of those Mystery Science Theatre movies you need a co-buddy to take the piss out of with. No, I won't wake him up.

I won't.

It's not that bad.

23:56 / 15.08.05
Do you want a guy's perspective, or a girl's perspective?

... or a gender-neutral, gender-confused, bi-gendered or gender-crossed perspective?

Barbelith is here for you...
23:57 / 15.08.05
Go for it... my lovelife's generally disastrous, though, so I may not be the best option...
Jake, Colossus of Clout
00:03 / 16.08.05
Triplets- have you seen the nu-metal Navy commercials? Accelerate your life?

I'm up to give advice, if needed.
00:08 / 16.08.05
I've just pm'd Stoatington and Sekh.

Jake... I'm a Brit, I've not been exposed to such... horror.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
00:16 / 16.08.05
You're totally missing out. Go to The nu-metal ad starts as soon as you get there. Treat yourself.
Tryphena Absent
00:18 / 16.08.05
I want to help you with your girl problem but mostly because I'm curious about what it is, which is probably a bad reason to help.

Hellllooooooo Lateshift!

Also singing men. I neeeeddddddd mmmoooorrreeeeee. This is fast becoming an addiction.
00:19 / 16.08.05
My reply is en route, Triplets.

Now I feel like part of the community and stuff.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
00:23 / 16.08.05
kid dancing

Best I could do on short notice, Nina.
00:25 / 16.08.05

If people who asked me for advice could only see the way I live, I'm sure they wouldn't. That said, I think I'm better at giving advice than taking it. I KNOW exactly what to do to make my life (and, indeeed, everyone else's) great... I just can't be arsed most of the time. I'm like the shittest Buddha ever.
00:25 / 16.08.05
Hello Anna!
00:26 / 16.08.05
Replies read. To say you two are of two minds would be putting it mildly.

This is why I love the Barb, and thank you, guys I feel all ego-boosty and rowr now.
Tryphena Absent
00:26 / 16.08.05
Sekhmet just for that I found you a pony.

Tryphena Absent
00:29 / 16.08.05
Jake that kid is going to have his own chatshow by the time he's 30.
00:29 / 16.08.05
Triplets- ROWR the fuck out of that ROWR. You can, you know.

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