as serendipity would have it, this fell into place.
Dec 21 2012 11:11 UT is the Winter Solstice.
(I'll use this date when referring to 1000 years ago etc)
there are a few cycles beginning at that time.
the precession of the equinoxes, a 26 000 years during which the Earth's axis draws a circle in the sky.
It also means that the stars shift.
On 12-21-2012 the Sun enters Capricorn. It has been in Sagittarius for the past 2000 years. If we count back, the 2000 years of Aries began around 16000BC.
The Moon enters Aries, the beginning of her 28 days-ish cycle around the zodiac.
the most astonishing thing
on 12-21-2012
the ecliptic (the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun) intersects the galactic plane. This happens exactly twice in the Sun's orbit around the galactic centre. Once on Dec 21 2012, and once on the opposite side.
This is the best day ever to set a calendar to. If you need a year 0 with a day 0 from which to count backwards and forwards, that's it. That's the greatest significance of the day. We can set all the calendars back to "0" and roll ahead as we look back, in synch.
On the Winter Solstice in particular, the Earth, Sun and Galactic Centre will be aligned, such that the Sun floats between. This is our Galactic Winter, the deepest depths of our darkness, as we coast to the bottom of the galaxy's circling arms.
earth -- Sun ------------------Galactic Centre (black hole?)
This will mark the ascension towards the light, over 110 000 000 years or so. When the ecliptic intersects the galactic centre again, if the calendar's still running, we'll know.
It all gets better from here.
The Vernal Equinox, March 20 2013, the Sun moves into Aries, beginning another cycle of annual drift. We have just moved out of 2000 years of Pisces.
The ecliptic, at Earth's equator, intersects the celestial equator which has just entered Aquarius after 2000 years in Pisces.
that's the Age of Aquarius.
March 20 2013 also marks the ecliptic crossing the constellation Aquarius.
however, something very interesting came out of this. I was looking at the 12 months, 12 hours, 12 animals (chinese & other asian calendars). The mayans swore by 13.
like 13 months of 28 days + 1 intercalary day (winter solstice).
what if there were 13 symbols for the zodiac?
what if that put Libra in position 7, with six symbols on either side?
what if the six symbols had to balance? they currently look like this:
Libra (air)
Virgo (earth) Scorpio (water)
Leo (fire) Sagittarius (fire)
Cancer (water) Capricorn (earth)
Gemini (air) Aquarius (air)
Taurus (earth) Pisces (water)
Aries (fire)
the two sides don't really balance evenly.
the symbols for virgo and scorpio are similar, virgo representing the feminine, scorpio the masculine. they look balanced, but both are feminine elements.
fire and fire?
water and earth
air and air
earth and water
so, to balance it, here's what looks good (although, this may require remapping the heavens...)
Libra (inert)
Virgo (earth) Scorpio (air)
Leo (fire) Eagle (water)
Cancer (water) Sagittarius (fire)
Gemini (air) Capricorn (earth)
Taurus (earth) Aquarius (air)
Aries (fire) Pisces (water)
the two sides are balanced.
the elements
earth - air (feminine - masculine)
fire - water (masculine - feminine) etc
air - earth
earth - air
fire - water
the four cardinal signs are represented, each one symbol in from the end.
Taurus, the Bull
Leo, the Lion
Eagle, the Eagle
Aquarius, the Person
set your watches.
have a good new year, whatever that means anymore.
-not jack |