Talking about Cruise’s ‘people’/PR company - um, I think some of the not-very-sub subtext to this current Cruise thing is to do with him having recently fired his long-standing publicist - one Pat Kingsley - and replacing her with his sister, who's also part of the happy family of scientology. So now Kingsley is getting the credit for having muzzled his extreme Hubbard-mania all these years, but I haven’t yet decided whether to believe that’s because he’s actually babbling about it more than he ever used to, or if it’s just because “Tom Cruise is nuts!” is now The Story, the angle that everyone is following/writing/reading/talking about on the internet, and that this is just another layer of spin that’s being laid under this story, ie the amaaaaazing currently under-employed super-PR who is really worth a fortune because she managed to keep this fruitcake looking perfectly normal for so long. It’s a brave man who dares to incur the wrath of a publicist.
*sigh* I used to be really into sleb gossip. Only, isn't the Tom/Katie story hitting barbelith, like, weeks after every other internet forum has finished with it? Let's talk about Jude, for fuck's sake! |