Having read the thread, I find that I agree most with the views of This Haus is a Headcrab Hotel and of Legba Rex:
No particular religion promotes violence more than all the others -- there are examples of violent fanaticism in the histories of almost all major established religions. (Althogh as a sidenote, we may take a moment to consider the fact that perhaps there are no [with the exception of buhdism] major reilgions that haven't at some point promoted violent fanaticsm for the simple reason that fanatacism is an excelent way to win wars, ie. [almost] all of the 'peace loving' religions could have bee wiped out by their more bellicose neighbors. But back to the main point.) Additionally, not only is fanatical violence not unique to Islam, but also, nor is the "suicide bomber" culture. As Haus noted, suicide bombing is by far the most prevalant in, that are occupied by a militarally more powerful (usually western) power. Examples: Algiers, Vietnam, among others. Note, these were both largely secular independence movements, not religious uprisings. Thus, my view regarding the growing violent/suicide bomber culture in islamic society is:
Suicide bombing is largely the tool of underfunded independence movements fighting vastly stronger oppressors. Thus, the current rise in the suicide bomber culture among Islamic groups can be see through the lens of a vastly outgunned resistance movenent fighting for independence from western cultural/economic imperialism, rather than as the result of any underlying qualities/tennets of Islam. |