Guys, thanks loads and loads. Some of the ideas are fantastic, but unfortunately can't be included for reasons of time, availability or ratings.
Ordered McLeod's book and a load of dvd's.
Threads was the one on BBC years ago about a nuclear winter, wasn't it? Is that still available?
Breakfast club has proved impossble to find on region 2 dvd; so vcd copy it is.
Dark Crystal I don't think would work with the class I'm looking at (not quite able to quantify that statement... just a hunch).
I'd agree completely that students when confinuously confronted with intelligent media tend to... eventually ... respond to it. I think products like Rashamon would be pushing my luck however, which is unfortunate.
The age limit is taken quite seriously, so Warriors, BR, etc. are no-no's.
Also, that it's a media course rather than purely a film studies course means that I feel under some pressure to let some more obscure titles fall by the wayside (Big Wednesday, etc.). Also, the curriculum is set externally, so basic media law and the media industry in the UK also have to be covered I'm afraid.
What I'm probably looking at now is:
(I've 38 sessions in total and want to keep a couple free for 'slippage')
1. Introduction: Analysing images, sounds and trailers
a. The Barnardo and Benetton Campaigns
2. Meaning in Media: Anchorage, Iconography & Signification
3. Meaning in Media: Composition; cropping the image to alter meaning
a. Giuliani and Genoa Photographs task
4. Meaning in Media: Codes and Conventions
5. Meaning in Media: Preferred, Negotiated and Oppositional Meanings
6. Workshop: Portfolio. Practical Tasks in Producing Meaning 1
7. Workshop: Portfolio. Practical Tasks in Producing Meaning 2
8. Hidden Powers: Institutional Analysis and the power of the Distributors
9. Media Ownership: Public Service and the BBC
10. Media Ownership: Multinationals and Murdoch (the Simpsons and Fox News)
11. Workshop for Ownership Patterns
12. Workshop for Regulatory Bodies
13. Bowling for Columbine / Network
a. Audience Theory
b. Representation of teens
14. Representation: Stereotypes
15. Representation: Introduction to Audience Theory (Passive and Active)
16. Representation: Teens
a. The Breakfast Club
17. Workshop for Representation essay
18. Presentations on Representation
19. Media Law: Copyright, Rights, and Loyalties
20. Media Law: Defamation & Equal Opportunities
21. Media Law: Censorship and the Public’s Right to Know
22. Media Law: Ethics, Regulation & Regulatory Bodies:
a. Ofcom, etc.
23. Introduction to Genre
a. Genre
b. Include a broad list of examples (take from spec book)
c. Economic use of genre by studios
d. Multinationalism / Globalisation
e. Changes in technology (print to web, DVD and HDTV, new platforms)
f. Film trailers exercise: spot the genre (codes and conventions)
24. Genres through time:
a. Genre and Audiences
b. Horror Movies and Zombies
c. Comics and the Batman
25. Workshop for Genre Project
26. Genres and Narratives: Tabloids and Broadsheets
a. Producing tabloids exercise
27. Workshop for Evaluation of Products (narrative and composition)
28. Introduction to Narrative: samples from Die Hard
a. The Hero’s Journey: Star Wars, a New Hope
39. Playing with Narrative: Memento
30. Portfolio Workshop
31. Exam Revision
32. Exam Revision
33. Exam
I'll pick up Run Lola Run, Casablanca, Tron, Gattacca, various John Woo, Ringu/Ring, Bladerunner, in the video production class.
Wotcher think? |