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The morningshift begins!!!!!


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Char Aina
11:51 / 05.07.05
the clowns are taking fences and shit to gleneagles.
they're gonna build the fences higher, to better keep the g-cunts in!
they also took an hour or so out of their schedule to perform in an army recruitment office, giving me a brilliant idea...

if you were to go in, go through the shpiel, fill out all the forms and ask all the questions it would take a good hour, yeah?
and the recruiter is open only office hours, yeah?
how many people do you reckon it would take effectively to shut them down for a month?
could you keep going to the back of the queue and having another go?
i think it would be hilarious if we could get a few hundred people to jam up the war machine at the end that sucks in our people.
paranoidwriter waves hello
11:58 / 05.07.05
Interesting idea. It could be just the excuse one needs to express one's individuality as well, i.e. at the end just before you sign on the dotted line you have to come up with a new way of screwing it up. e.g. "So when do I get to meet Tom Hanks and the other guys? What? Oh, I didn't realise....well in that case.." etc.

Oh, and "keeping them in" is sheer genius. Send in the clowns!
Char Aina
12:07 / 05.07.05
well, yeah.
you could hit out with
"so all that killing people stuff's just hippy propaganda, right?
you guys dont do that anymore, do you?"
"will i still get to go kayaking in the andes?
what do you mean, only if the mission requires it? what mission?"

also of interest (although less silly) in edinburgh were the guys representing NETUREI KARTA.
i missed their talk, but their banter in the street made me think.
Char Aina
12:27 / 05.07.05
all this talk of insurgency and fun has made me forget to eat!
brunch, here i come!

right after i email nike.
Char Aina
08:34 / 06.07.05
i had breakfast today.
i had a handful(yes, in my hand) of rice krispies new pro-neurotic cereal.
multi-grain, or some shit.
they taste so nice that you know there must be shitloads of sugar on there, but they make me healthy, apprently.

i dont know if a dry handful stuffed in your recently washed face as you slam TheBiggestDamnCupOfCoffeeInTheWesternWorld counts, though.
they might need milk to activate the enzyme-based smug self-satisfaction goodness.

they really do taste sweet, though.
08:42 / 06.07.05
That army recruitment thing's a quality idea, toksik.

Reminds me of a great story I heard once- some dude called up for Vietnam, and really laid it on thick about how much he wanted to go. When they asked why he was so enthusiasticm he said "I believe it's every black man's duty to learn how to use an automatic weapon".

Needless to say, he didn't get sent.
Char Aina
09:10 / 06.07.05
thats it!
tailor made responses will make the recruiters come face to face with all the various reasons their job is a bit shit.
i did some maths on the bus the other night, y'know.

one person giving up one hour sounds a fair expectation.
there are two recruiters on average in each office, from what i've seen.
they're open 9-5, with breaks each for lunch, so that's 14 man hours a day to get jammed up, ignoring stuff like lull times in the morning when apathy is doing the job for you.
they are open for around three hundred and fifty days a year, so thats 4900 man hours.

with the anti war protestors that were on calton hill the other day we coulda had them jammed up for most of the year, and thats pretending they dont have peak hours one could more effectively target.


i'm thinking of maybe just giving people the idea that it might be a good way to spend a lunch hour, or maybe kill time if you're waiting for a movie to start...

give an hour!
save a life!
09:12 / 06.07.05
I'd be a bit worried about what would happen if it all went terribly wrong, though...

Having said that, it wouldn't be a danger for me- Nobody in their right mind would want me in their army.

I think this could be a wonderful idea.
Char Aina
09:33 / 06.07.05
you just don't sign your name.
its cool; we'll jsut hold the 'make sobriety history' march on a different day.
you could make sure by 'gaying up' your recruiter, i guess.
or do they let everyone die these days?
Mourne Kransky
20:10 / 06.07.05
We're allowed to do it, just not talk about it. Gay sex is the opposite of WMD. It is there in the army, but everybody has to pretend it isn't.

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