[quote | Legba Rex]I don’t think your average joe would really buy the idea of an alien/demon/other… like in the movies or myth.
I'm not sure that's true. Why did people run exorcisms and rub garlic under their doorframes? Or, for that matter, things like putting flowers on graves- it's all about warding off entities that the people beleived strongly in.[quote end]
i think the "avergae joe" would deny the existence of alien, demonic or any other-of-that-sort entities, only because to protect his/her standing within society (talking about the societies that we call "idnustrialized").
since our social values deem belief in anything that we cannot touch, see and/or scientifically prove as unfit (people that contradict these established patterns are likely to be called "insane", "crazy" or "estranged" or some such...) the "average joe" will probably always play by the rules, if only not to fall out of line.
i'm reminded of a book that isaac asimov once wrote (can't remember the title and am not too sure if it really was asimov after all) in which he calculated (it was not really pure mathematics and his scientific approach was a bit loose, but the rhetorically it was worth millions) how ridiculous it was to believe that we are the only sentient and "intelligent" life in this vast universe. now, i'd think that the "average joe" can't help but feel that there must be "something" out there, what with all the information that was made available within the last 100 years or so due to scientific progress.
taking into account that most human societies are built upon egomaniac patriarch fantasies,it would simply NOT DO to think of that "something" out there as equal or even "superior" beings. therefore, i think, it is much simpler to think of it as "alien plants" or "alien animals". something that will not push us out of our centrefold spot in this year's "universe hustler" so easily.
thus both fears have been kept at bay (the fear to contradict values established by society and the fear to be defenseless towards "something that is not us") and the "average joe" can freely say that there just HAS to be "something" out there, without feeling ashamed or out of place or afraid. that's my 2 cents.
% of course, the average joe couldn't care less, what with all the aliens already taking away his/her job opportunities, running over his/her country and just being subhumans, cuz that's what they really are. % |