Ahh, Volgin...it's actually relatively easy to get the Cold War uniform because CQC is your best bet against ol' Yevgeny.
The fight is split into two parts. To start off, change into the Sneaking Suit. The damage reduction is crucial. As soon as you draw a weapon, Volgin starts zapping you, so don't bother. Run at him, grab him and toss him to the floor and do the nifty dive-roll over him, which hurts him a little more (and is useful in...a later fight as well)Lather, rinse and repeat until he goes to get juiced up. Pull up the Mk22 and pop some tranqs in the back of his head until you can grab him again. It sounds a little difficult, but it's really not.
When you do enough damage (half, as I recall), you get a cutscene, and then it gets tougher.
He starts with a nasty attack that you can avoid completely by putting on the Raikov mask, which shakes him. Run uo and grab/throw/dive roll again. If he gets free before you can kill him, he has two dangerous attacks. If he raises his arms and charges, lie down in front of him. If he blasts a shockwave at ya, dive roll. Get the rhythm of the CQC combo down and he's yours. |