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This boy / girl business...


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Scrambled Password Bogus Email
16:12 / 16.06.05
So I'm interested, from both gender POV's, if you fall all Dave Dove and are committed to another, and have spent some time in a relationship, however long, do you still get the raging hots for other boys/girls or are you, like, actually finished with the whole business?

What I mean is, even if you are perfectly content and happy and satisfied with your Mr./Mrs., even if they truly rock your world and represent everything you ever hoped for in another, do you still have a roving eye and imagination anyway?

It may seem like a daft question, but I'm intrigued to hear some opinion. If you don't mind dispelling the mystery of the genitalia behind the ficsuit, an indication as to your current gender identification might be interesting alongside your response as well.
17:07 / 16.06.05
from both gender POV's

because, y'know, there are only two...
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
17:33 / 16.06.05
Ok, good point.

Allow me to rephrase that.

From all gender POV's. S'what I meant, like. From all POV's. Whether you like girl, boys, girls and boys, girls, boys and those who identify as neither/both, or any other identity in the rich continuum of gender and sexuality.

Whew. Gots to watch that lazy posting. I loves you, Barbelith.
Mourne Kransky
20:02 / 16.06.05
I refuse to answer on the grounds that I might incriminate myself.
Tryphena Absent
20:06 / 16.06.05
Yeah, that's dodgy ground, I'm not going there.
ibis the being
21:16 / 16.06.05
Well, my S.O. isn't a Barbelith poster, so I'll bite.

This is actually something I was talking about with a girlfriend of mine recently. What I was telling her is that in all of my past relationships I did periodically have crushes and/or strong sexual attraction to other people. It was never a huge deal, maybe mildly frustrating at times if I really liked someone outside my relationship (I never cheated). Then again, when those relationships began to fall apart for their own reasons, there was often someone on the sidelines who had caught my eye - not to say I necessarily went on to date that other person, but my sense of *other possibilities* was peaked.

But my current relationship is different - I'm not sure exactly why, but since we started dating I haven't had any extrarelationshipal crushes nor any significant attraction to others. It's only been two years, so who knows if that will change, but I feel this one's different somehow. I'm not a believer in the concept of "The One," so I don't think it's mystical in that way.

One possible explanation is that before I started seeing this guy I had a period of singledom in which I tried a couple new (for me) permutations of sexual relationship, and I think I kind of came to the conclusion that for me, there isn't much mystery in sex - there's a lot more intrigue in getting to know someone intimately over time. So my head really isn't turned much anymore.

(And I'm a straight woman, if that affects your polling results any.)
05:15 / 17.06.05
straight male, 35-45, any other stats needed?

have always been monogamous. don't know if it is a curse or a blessing - or somewhere in between... current relationship has been a basically wonderful nine years; but recently (past two years) have had increasing episodes of depression and a bit of a 'thing' for another. said other has not been told by me of my, err, 'fascination' and can't be [very long story and can't go there], so can't know what she feels/thinks...

drives me crazier.

so i am working on that, slowly... other than that, i have never really had anything like a crush on anyone outside a relationship, and have had serious relationships of seven, and now nine, years, plus some others of two years... maybe call me weird?

also, philosophically opposed to marriage, so never did that. guess i have been in relationships where i would have had i been not opposed. i see the point, i guess.

why i think it a blessing is that there has been, previously, no angst, no hiding, no guilt, no shame. the curse is that everyone else seems to have so much fun! (and let's be honest, there is a tantalising element of the forbidden, yeah?)
paranoidwriter waves hello
05:32 / 17.06.05
I almost seriously considered having chemical castration once, after watching a program about eunuchs and getting confused about its effectiveness. I thought about how much life I'd get done without the curse that is love / lust. How many times have I walked down a tree-lined avenue, my head full of dreams and ideas, the dappled sun-light falling between the leaves and landing in little warm kisses on my smiley face; when all of a sudden I've seen a beautiful "other" walking towards me, who sees me smiling, then turns away (in disgust), and never even realises that they've just ruined my mood and probably the rest of my day?....

Loneliness hurts. You've only yourself to blame.
06:47 / 17.06.05
I occasionally see ears into which I would like to put my penis but on a purely nob-jerk physical level. I don't think I could "fall in love" with someone else. As my best mate (married with two kids) seems to have done at the moment.
07:57 / 17.06.05
Ah, the old cockinear.
08:01 / 17.06.05
Paranoid, I've gotta say, mate, at risk of sounding cruel, wallow in self-pity much?
Gypsy Lantern
08:15 / 17.06.05
I'm not a believer in the concept of "The One," so I don't think it's mystical in that way.

I know what you mean. It was one of Jet Li's more forgettable cinematic outings. Not even the novelty of identical Jet Li's fighting each other using Hsing Yi and Ba Gua styles, respectively, could save it. Not worth the rental price if you ask ne.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
08:39 / 17.06.05
Xoc : Your answer most interesting...By virtue of the answer, it seems there is an assumption that the done with the whole business is the 'correct' way for these things to pan out. So, if happy and committed, the notion that there should be or could be other jelly that catches the eye and stimulates the imagination and generally makes one sigh and wonder about cloning is somehow 'wrong' or 'weak' or 'sinful' or whatever.

paranoidwriter waves hello
08:41 / 17.06.05
Paranoid, I've gotta say, mate, at risk of sounding cruel, wallow in self-pity much?

No, not for a long time now, not since.....

There, see what you've gone and done!...[insert sound of ice-cream tub popping open]...Why can't you all understand what it's like to be me?!....(sob, slurp, sob-sob)...
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:23 / 17.06.05
"*hnnf*... My name is... *wheeeez*... John... *hurrf*... Merrick. You've all been... *hrrrk&... so very... *ffwweeezzz*... kind..."
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
09:56 / 17.06.05 a......wheeeze.....HUMAN BEING!

Come on peepels. Giz the low down an durrdy.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:07 / 17.06.05
I think part of the problem is that there is a difference between thinking it and talking about it. I suspect very few people here would actually argue that one should not have vague libidinous thoughts towards third parties when in a monogamous or otherwise relationship. However, there is a difference between that and devoting time and energy to talking about those dutt thoughts in the presence of your partner - and as ibis implies, there are now quite a few people who post on Barbelith and who are in monogamous or otherwise relationships with people who also post on or at least read Barbelith. Hence some reactions being muted (although also not entirely serious, I think).

It's a tricky question, though - presumably people agree that there is a point at which (polyamory aside) the amount/degree of attraction one feels to others becomes, shall we say, less than helpful to the continuance of a happy, fulfilled relationship. But how one even quantifies that is hard to imagine.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
10:27 / 17.06.05
A fair point, but that in and of itself is eeenteresting. In the pursuit of an open, trusting and honest relationship with another hugman being it seems that confronting and being upfront about the fact that being committed / married / live-in-lovers cannot and (in most cases, I assume) does not lead to death from the neck down is quite a tricksy point to discuss...

I'm just looking for validation really. I'm a *apologies for loaded pejorative sexist whatever term* complete slag. In my imagination, natch.
10:36 / 17.06.05
In the pursuit of an open, trusting and honest relationship with another hugman being it seems that confronting and being upfront about the fact that being committed / married / live-in-lovers cannot and (in most cases, I assume) does not lead to death from the neck down is quite a tricksy point to discuss...

There’s honest and then there’s tactless, isn’t there?
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
10:36 / 17.06.05
And can't discuss it. Except here.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
10:38 / 17.06.05
Tact. yes. Read about that somewhere. Possibly in the Risk rulebook. Or was that Tactics? I forget.

Is it tactless to admit that you are a sexual being with raging hormonal chemistry that influences your behaviousr and thought patterns. Help me out here. I need tact lessons.
10:56 / 17.06.05
In the pursuit of an open, trusting and honest relationship with another hugman being it seems that confronting and being upfront about the fact that being committed / married / live-in-lovers cannot and (in most cases, I assume) does not lead to death from the neck down is quite a tricksy point to discuss...

On an Internet bulletin board. I think that's the thing. Many people are probably having this conversation with their partners, and just don't feel it's something they feel the need to share as a process on Barbelith. Maybe those who have reached conclusions (or don't have a partner or partners) are going to be more willing to share.
11:08 / 17.06.05
Is it tactless to admit that you are a sexual being with raging hormonal chemistry that influences your behaviousr and thought patterns.

Well, that rather depends on your partner. Behaviour that is encouraged in one relationship might be anathema to another. Like Haus says, couples negotiate this. FWIW, I feel reasonably confident that your partner suspects that you to find other people attractive, and there’s a jolly good chance that ze finds other people attractive too. Does ze tell you about hir extra-curricular urges? Have you asked hir? If ze casually mentions that ze thinks about hir ex whilst having sex with you, and that given half the chance ze would ditch you for the hottie in accounts, you’re probably okay to confess that you don’t picture hir when you’re masturbating. If ze snarls at you the moment you so much as glance at another, you should probably keep schtum about your thing for Cuban prostitutes.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
11:36 / 17.06.05
Haha! S'all gravy here. Even with the Cubans.

Like I said, validation, me hearties.

11:45 / 17.06.05
one of Jet Li's more forgettable cinematic outings

Who can forget I am Yu Law! I'm nobody's bitch!
11:49 / 17.06.05
Sorry, libidinous thoughts. All the time. Monogamous for thirteen years.
12:15 / 17.06.05
yes, all of the time. right this minute, in fact.

my boy is stellar on almost every level that I could potentially want in a partner; I certainly have no complaints or wants in regards to the quality of and fulfillment offered by my relationship. and I'm very committed to monogamy, both with him and as a basic concept (for myself).

but I routinely have crushes on other people, most of them playful admiring crushes, but occasionally theres one that's a little more serious. having your needs/wants/desires fulfilled does not mean you're left unable to want something else...I mean, I don't see that having feelings for someone else (sexual or otherwise) as a negation for the depth or significance of your feelings for your SO. which is not to say there isn't room and need for discretion!
12:16 / 17.06.05
All things considered, it's probably best to have a wank.
12:17 / 17.06.05
That being general advice to the floor, not particular to bitchiekittie.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
12:44 / 17.06.05
Thanks for that Sax. Where would I be withou-

*pops to bathroom before finishing sentence*

-t you.

Was it Martin Amis who said something about everytime he has a wank he thinks 'Ohp. There goes another book.'

It's a surefire way to destry a raging creative itch, isn't it?

You must know. Oh, wow, all these chapters, brainstorm, get those ideas down, just got up, must record dream, perfect character development. Hey, what's this...Oh, really? OK, just a quick shuffle / strum, then, and we'll get going.

Shit. Another project shelved.

Makes you wonder about the whole God creating the Universe in 7 days, thing, eh? Like, it really doesn't look like such a big project, to me. You know, not for an omniscient omnipotent deity.

Crafty bugger kept nipping off to stroke one out, now onder it took so long. Would also explain a lot of deep sea shit, jelly fish, and giraffes.
Benny the Ball
12:45 / 17.06.05
Straight male, 30. I'm happily in love with someone that I like an incredible amount, and someone who also matches my personality. Sex is fantastic, in fact as I have never really enjoyed it in the past and with past partners, it's a real eye-opener to actually have sex that is enjoyable. As we are at an apart period, me working here (London), her in LA, I am experience my first major horn on, where I am like a dog in heat, constantly calling her up, always thinking about her. I have developed a habbit of staring at a couple of the (quite atractive) girls at work also, but me and Mrs the Ball are all very open about this stuff. Also I would never (no really) stray (because I've never been with anyone like her and also as I have only just started enjoying a sexual relationship, despite a few attempts in the past, I think it wouldn't be worth it on a mental, spiritual, physical etc level) so the eye isn't a problem, thoughts aren't a problem, and most of the time they return to her anyway.
ibis the being
15:11 / 17.06.05
Is it tactless to admit that you are a sexual being with raging hormonal chemistry that influences your behaviousr and thought patterns. Help me out here. I need tact lessons.

Well, as Smoothly said, the specific boundaries vary from couple to couple... but I think until/unless you hash it out with your partner, it's just considerate to assume that while looking around discreetly is par for the course, talking about how you have a strong sexual attraction to your coworker is thoughtless and, yes, tactless. But in general I'm a stickler for good manners, I understand not everyone is. (New thread idea simmering....)
Cat Chant
15:29 / 17.06.05
Ooh. Lovely idea for a thread. Thanks, Money$hot. I'd be particularly interested to know how people's thoughts on this issue intersect with their thoughts on monogamy vs polyamory, and on their belief in "soulmates" or whatever.

I feel a bit apologetic about being difficult to categorize in all these terms, but on the other hand I might be bringing some new ideas to the table, so maybe that's useful. The thing with me is that I'm endogamous (this is a theory I ripped off from an Australian YA book called Mister Enigmatic). Most people are exogamous - they're basically attracted to sexy strangers, and then the romance plot develops along familiar Pride-and-Prejudice type lines as the attraction to the Other has to negotiate with the familiarity and friendship that grow up in a longer-term relationship. But some people are endogamous, and for them sexual attraction is dependent on knowing and loving the other person first. (If you know & love them for too long before it turns sexual, though, they fall under the incest taboo and you stop fancying them. It is a terrible curse to be endogamous oh yes.) So that is me. But also - and this took me a long time to work out - my visual pleasure centres are kind of disjunct from my wanting-to-have-sex drives. So there are a lot of people that I love looking at - a woman I saw at a demo one time, a boy with long hair who shops at the same greengrocer as me, Alan Rickman, Michael Stipe, Dana out of the L-Word, Shane out of the L-Word, Ivan out of the L-Word, hell, everyone out of the L-Word except Tim... Ahem. What was I saying? Oh, yes. Endogamous for sex, exogamous for looking, that is I.

Anyway, so how does all that pan out in terms of fidelity and polylookery? Obviously, when there's no danger that I'll actually shag any of the people I like looking at, it makes it a lot easier to enjoy having crushes, and to get really happy when my girlfriend has crushes ditto. But OTOH, because our sexual relationship evolved out of a friendship, I'm really aware of how arbitrary it would have been to not have sex when we reached a certain point, so I don't feel like it would make any sense for us to be monogamous: why should I put an arbitrary stopping-point on how intimate my girlfriend is allowed to be with other people, or dictate how much she is allowed to love them? I love how much she loves her friends. I would never want to put a stop to that.

The True Person thing is interesting to me because my main role model - the couple I know who are definitely each other's True People, and found each other very early in life - are non-monogamous, so I don't think having a True Person necessitates only having sex with one person for the rest of your life. But I don't know anyone who has more than one True Person, so I don't know how that works yet. I'm still working it out and gathering data...
Cat Chant
15:31 / 17.06.05
everyone out of the L-Word except Tim...

And Jenny. Obviously. That was so obvious that I forgot to say it. (Sorry for double-post, but I was anxious that no-one should think that I wanted to look at Jenny in a sex way, because I don't. At all.)
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
16:22 / 17.06.05
But also - and this took me a long time to work out - my visual pleasure centres are kind of disjunct from my wanting-to-have-sex drives. So there are a lot of people that I love looking at

Nyah HAH! See? Validation!...sounds like me to a tee. That visual pleasure is soooo pleasant in a kind of flirty but not really isn't it nice to have an imagination maybe see you next lifetime kind of way, isn't it?

I loves ya Deva.

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