The only thing I'm anal-retentive about in life is spelling and punctuation. I absolutely seethe when people screw up homonyms. What really gets my goat and wrings its neck, however, is improper use of apostrophes.
I have only reached these dizzying heights of irritation with poor spelling and punctuation since I moved to England and people insisted on telling me that my "American" grammar and diction were poor. These, ironically enough, are the same moronic fucks who can't figure out the difference between an abbreviation and an acronym, or where to correctly place a bloody apostrophe.
Typos are one thing, and we all fall foul of the comma splice fairy from time to time. However, blatantly ignoring basic apostrophe syntax out of laziness and stupidity, or putting blind faith into the MicroWank spell check should suffer stigmata-by-hail-of-bullets.
Also, if you're not a funky little black man called Prince, using "u" instead of "you" is not cute or clever. It's fucking irritating. |