evil scientist wrote the stuff in bold:
You need to understand Not Jack that I don't pretend that humans are some kind of perfect uber-species.
correct. you're not pretending. you're stating it outright.
uber-species (if you'll check your German) means over-species, which of course is synonymous with superior.
but why argue semantics?
We have done terrible damage to the planet, I agree. But we are also the only species on the planet that concerns itself with compassion to other species.
pause while I give my brain a shake from the mental whiplash.
compassion? as a species? you can't be serious.
the oncomouse. Can't think of any other species, devoid as they are of compassion I guess, capable of manipulating another form of life, to deliberately undermine its immune system. can you?
don't be absurd.
We are the only species with the ability to save other species from extinction.
the only extinction we're failing to save anything from is the one we're responsible for.
We are certainly the only species that even considers minimising the pain it inflicts on the animals it uses as food.
yes, those factory farms sure are cosy, like a chicken-sized holiday inn. veritable paradise.
I don't mind disagreeing with you on this topic Evil Scientist. I think that all living things have evolved on this ball of rock together over however many millions of years. I think that we can live in harmonious relationships, call them symbiotic if you like, and this includes eating what we need to feed ourselves, to heal ourselves, clothe and house ourselves.
I don't believe that we should ever settle on a cruel way of doing anything, and it is quite obvious that the pain inflicted on individual creatures, and the complete undermining of one of the most fundamental system any species has for protecting itself doesn't enter into the hearts of the people involved in the decisions that cause this perpetuation. Maybe not the minds either.
something else does, and unfortunately, it isn't always as altruistic as public relations firms will have us believe.
Evoking an image of a species where each and every individual cannot live without popping pills every five seconds.
I heard the term "lifestyle drug" for the first time today. is that just my imagination?
and I shudder at everything that term represents.
Atrocity relates to crimes committed against a population. Currently animal testing (properly regulated) is not a crime, so atrocity is an inappropriate word.
extremely or shockingly cruel, wicked, or brutal.
shockingly bad or lacking in taste.
awful, dreadful, abominable, miserable, execrable.
felonious, diabolical, devilish, tateless, destestable.
you're right. it's not felonious.
--nj |