Some linky links for linkers.
Sheeple and scum and humatons, oh my thread on barbelith with some discussion of false consciousness and historical consciousness; I just wrote a long post on page 5 on historical consciousness.
The Irrational in Politics & The Russian Revolution by Maurice Brinton. Fucking excellent. First part is a criticism of the tendency to overemphasize economic factors in history and presents (via Wilhelm Reich and Engels) an explanation of reactionary opinions and behaviour (the irrational) being caused by sexual repression and family conditioning. Second part is a critique of Lenin and the Bolsheviks in terms of sexual liberty etc.
The Reproduction of Everyday Life by Fredy Perlman; a fairly complete overview of marxist categories (labour power, commodity, alienated labour, etc) with a bit of anthropological and debordian influence.
Marx and the Occult discussion on Occultforums. Very low calibre.
Unpopular Books has been promising a section on Magico-Marxism which has been 'yet to come' for years. Some other good texts though.
A ridiculously large amount of texts by Marxist Writers (including writings by Marx) from
Not Bored a good situationist-type zine.
Situationist stuff
Blog by Alistair Livingstone. Most of it is very well written and thought provoking. Here are some I found the most relevent:
April 2nd 2005 (spectacular paganism, Stonehenge, alienation, pseudo-time, false consciousness, long cut-up)
April 10th 2005 (counterculture, change and evolution)
May 3rd 2005 (time without historical consciousness, counterculture and change)
May 7th 2005 (Poll tax riots and revolutionary mysticism)
May 9th 2005 (punk, fetishism, alienation)
May 25th 2005 (dazed by star wars part – historical consciousness and the irrational)
May 27th 2005 (So if you want to see the Spectacle in action, go to !)
June 5th 2005 (Barbelith and the spectacle, spectacle as groundhog day, cut-up, chaos as the spectacular magic of false consciousness)
June 26th 2005 (Debord commentaries on society of the spectacle)
June 28th 2005 (Said’s culture and imperialism, Overlap between imperialism and spectacle)
July 6th 2005 (make poverty history, power and poverty and history)
August 5th 2005 (no future, for globalization)
August 10th 2005 (on being conscious)
October 29th 2005 (crass, historical consciousness)
October 30th 2005 (Crass, Greenham, punk, historical consciousness, replication/reproduction, exploitation of the energy of desire)
[links modified June 24th 2006] |