BarbeDeathWatch: Posters who incessently ask if Bearbalith is in fact dying, often referencing new posters' drool and chewmarks on threads as so-called 'proof.' Occasionally found building Barbebunkers and hoarding rations in preparation for their Barbepocalypse, in which all are judged according to their posts, or (according to some) the BarbeRapture, during which all the smart posters will migrate to a new board and talk about whatever people with two foot tall foreheads talk about. Believed to be on the decline, due to their refusal to breed, memetically or otherwise.
BarbeCollegeStudent: Often recovering from the 'Grant Morrison is God' phase, posting in a rather hit-and-run manner between or during class or when they should be studying, thusly harming their grades, thusly affording them worse job opportunities, thusly sabotaging the evil capitalist machine and its Archon masters, just like good lil' revolutionaries should. Unless they wind up working at Borders. Oops.
BarbeKhan: ....