BARBELITH underground

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8===>Q: alyn
00:43 / 05.05.05
Barbe-journalist - uses their livejournal to bitch about barbe-events.

01:28 / 05.05.05
Barbebird--(ornithology) rare, believed extinct, yet recently videotaped by flying over a swamp in Arkansas. Distinctive beak and colorful underwing. Responds to a whistle-call that sounds like "De-Leuze,n,Guatteriiiii," believed to be a mating call of some sort. Often wears plaid.
Jack Fear
11:32 / 05.05.05
BarbExhibitionist: A member, almost invariably female, who posts links to smoky-eyed pictures of hirself (and/or vivid descriptions of hir sex life) whenever hir self-esteem is sinking a wee bit low. (See also: nerdbaiting)

HookedBarb: A member, almost invariably male and almost invariably young, who can be relied on to respond with tiresome, Pavlovian regularity to the provocations of the BarbExhibitionist, and to post things like Wow and Gosh you’re pretty and Will you marry me? Always appear in swarms, like sharks in a feeding frenzy. (See also: rising to the bait, and remember there’s only one letter’s difference between chump and chum)
19:56 / 05.05.05
Barbecue: A lither who takes a deep, almost obsessive pleasure in flaming and roasting.
Benny the Ball
20:32 / 05.05.05
barb-arosa - poster who starts to post in an aggressive manner, attacking another poster, but soon begins to lose strength, realising that all may be lost before retreating away and losing the 2nd world war, or something...
21:18 / 05.05.05
I'm in 12 of these 43 categories. Is that good?
Jack Denfeld
21:20 / 05.05.05
Poster who eats a spoonfull of sugar while reading the posts.
Charlie's Horse
23:34 / 05.05.05
BarbeDeathWatch: Posters who incessently ask if Bearbalith is in fact dying, often referencing new posters' drool and chewmarks on threads as so-called 'proof.' Occasionally found building Barbebunkers and hoarding rations in preparation for their Barbepocalypse, in which all are judged according to their posts, or (according to some) the BarbeRapture, during which all the smart posters will migrate to a new board and talk about whatever people with two foot tall foreheads talk about. Believed to be on the decline, due to their refusal to breed, memetically or otherwise.

BarbeCollegeStudent: Often recovering from the 'Grant Morrison is God' phase, posting in a rather hit-and-run manner between or during class or when they should be studying, thusly harming their grades, thusly affording them worse job opportunities, thusly sabotaging the evil capitalist machine and its Archon masters, just like good lil' revolutionaries should. Unless they wind up working at Borders. Oops.

BarbeKhan: ....

paranoidwriter waves hello
15:20 / 08.05.05
Blahbeloid: those who waffle and begin to sound like Charlie Brown's teacher.
Mourne Kransky
15:46 / 08.05.05
Czarbeloid: who can't understand why everyone keeps arguing when ze's right about everything ( Look, I've explained it, now I think people just need to draw a line and move on... )

Charbeloid: newbie or otherwise innocent poster who keeps getting singed in the middle of someone else's flame war

Belowparbeloid: regularly posts when life is a trial, in order to garner a surfeit of huggles from the more touchy-feely Lithers

Theretherebeloid or Barbempath: touchy-feely Lither
8===>Q: alyn
02:34 / 09.05.05
Barbehedron: A beard with many angles
02:59 / 09.05.05
These are all so ace. I read this thread with great delight.

You can call me a Huzzahbeloid.
The Natural Way
18:38 / 09.05.05

A lallan.
Jack The Bodiless
18:55 / 09.05.05
Barbecunt - anyone who posts to this kind of thread... ah, shit.
19:40 / 09.05.05
Barbelate Poster who clearly skipped from the first to the fifth page of the discussion, thus failing to realize that hir input is hopelessly redundant.

Barbelost Poster who stops by so infrequently that ze has no hope of staying current, and so lurks in quiet frustration.
8===>Q: alyn
00:54 / 10.05.05
Barbedos: A Carribean island populated by intelligent sheep
8===>Q: alyn
01:03 / 10.05.05
Barbellaqua: A Barbelith who attempts to kill Christopher Moltisante, hoping to curry favor with Ralph Cifaretto, only to run afoul of Silvio Dante and Anthony Soprano.
Captain Zoom
01:09 / 10.05.05
Barbautographer - one who signs each post with their name or a witty saying.

(The irony of which may only be understood by a Barberiginal - one who's been on Barbelith for waaaaay too long.)
04:47 / 10.05.05
Gasp. Zoom didn't Zoom at the end.
04:49 / 10.05.05
- Poster who turns up just before the film starts.

Barberian- Big muscly hairdresser. Called Ian.
Captain Zoom
19:15 / 10.05.05
nightclub dwight - yeah. Tom yelled at me for it ages ago, so I've let it go.

Mourne Kransky
19:38 / 10.05.05
Barbandrex: posts utter shite

Barbelligerent or Travis BarBickle: come irl and say that! Square go, Pal?

Barbeganoush: poster made of two small aubergines

The Demon Barbeloid (of Fleet Street): posts with murderous intent and bakes victims in pies

I like Barberian the best so far
Brigade du jour
15:12 / 11.05.05
BarbHoneyWe'reDeadIDon'tThinkWeHaveVeryMuchToWorryAboutAnymore - people who think they're clever by making movie references so obscure nobody will get them, but secretly hopes everyone will so they feel part of a community.
17:37 / 11.05.05
We'reComingToGetYouBarbe-ra!: Barbelith who likes zombies and brain filled piiiieeesss.

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