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Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:14 / 15.12.05
[OT] That night my neighbor Cynthia, who was my roomates ex-girlfriend shot herself in the face. She ... had been threatening my roomate with a lawsuit on battery and he was looking at 5 years for the charge...Good for him

Can someone whip up an "anti casual violence, esp. as perpetrated by Real Men against worthless ex-girfriends, being not merely okay but actually a sort of Gold Standard in the minds of wannabe mages" charm please? Kthxbye.

12:47 / 15.12.05
Here's one;

Lo the Darque Gods hearken unto me,
My Will be so, so mote it be,
Fuck off Morph and don't come back,
Your chakra points are out of whack,
Your hatred of these women grates,
Like listening to Neonates,
Get thee back to your Domain,
Please do not come here again,
Your random majik drugs tirade,
Is like a Malkavian (badly played),
SO listen well to my attack,
Fuck off Morpheus don't come back!
Lo the Darque Gods hearken unto me,
My Will be so, so mote it be,
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:20 / 15.12.05
*grin* Ahh, if only it were just Morph...
Earlier than I thought
16:41 / 15.12.05
And in other news..."Hathaway, send a bus"? Been doing that one for years!
Digital Hermes
20:19 / 15.12.05

I had kind a ho-down tune in my head for your banishing spell, Quantum... someone blowing banishingly on a moonshine jug...


A lot of what Morph was yammering about seemed to fit what I was reading in this thread, which seems to be something people in our field of study need to concern ourselves with. The idea of real-world effects, and the implied power that would give the weilder over the universe itself, seems to draw the socially disenfranchised, those who want a more dramatic life then the till-jockey or burger-flipper they stare at in the mirror.

This is at least the second time I've referenced that thread, possibly because it's something I want to avoid in my own working, a sort of 'more magickal then thou' perspective, or a 'you don't really understand me because I'm talking to the goetia' as whirlpools of pretension, always ready to suck in a hapless occultist...
17:45 / 16.12.05
Going back to something Illmatic said at the bottom of the previous page about nagging disbelief, the scottish philosopher David Hume said something similar about Miracles.
No matter what evidence you experience for the violation of a natural law (miracle or magic) you will have much more evidence of the natural law NOT being violated, so it will never be rational to believe it. Even if you conjure a ball of eldritch flame in both hands while levitating in a nimbus of holy light in front of a thousand witnesses while spraying flower petals out of your arse, it's still more likely you're experiencing a psychotic break and they're all hallucinating- if you're a rationalist.

Here's an example, since 1981, in a small village named Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina has been experiencing miracles about the Virgin Mary, who's been visiting these six children... anyway check this out-

What I saw and what I felt is not easily put into words. It will be difficult for others to accept it or believe it. Yet, I was there and I know what I saw and what I felt. I saw the sun dance and move and whirl and pale so that I could look directly at it with the naked eye. That is impossible, but I saw it. It was the same sun you and I see every day.
I also saw a huge, 14 ton cement cross mounted high on a mountain that stands behind the church at Medjugorje totally disappear on a cloudless, bright morning. This same cross was observed by me early in the black of morning to glow and shine as though it was covered with lights. That also is impossible. There is no electricity on that mountain, but I saw it.
from a Wayne Weible article.

So most people won't believe that any of that is true. Why would they believe in magic?
18:19 / 16.12.05
The idea of real-world effects, and the implied power that would give the weilder over the universe itself, seems to draw the socially disenfranchised, those who want a more dramatic life than the till-jockey or burger-flipper they stare at in the mirror. Digital Hermes

Absolutely, like the people who respond to the Charles Atlas ads in the back of comics to avoid getting sand kicked in their face. "Hah! I'll show those bullies! I'll send off for The Lesser Key of Solomon the King! In just seven days, my amazing powers of darqueness will destroy those poor fools with chain lightning! Thanks, Naberius!" (He restoreth lost Dignities and Honours)
Digital Hermes
21:14 / 16.12.05
When I said 'this thread,' I of course meant this thread.

Always preview your reply, when doing crazy html alchemy...

See, now I'm thinking of some sort of back-comic-cover Charles Alchemist. Can anybody draw well enough to do a good spoof? Maybe we could convince Alan Moore or to be our Charley...

Another thing I've been thinking about is chi. I'm no lightweight, but I'm not a muscleman either. When I'm doing my techniques, though, I swear that the impact of a punch or kick is beyond what my physical muscles are capable of exerting. From a healing perspective, some of my foucsing massages have been theraputic for the receivers. This is the closest I can think of regarding 'material' results.

Could it be possible that chi, or something like it, could be used with intense focus to actually excite or slow atomic movement, or play with electron levels? (i.e. causing fire/extreme heat, or lighting/electrical effects)

This line of thought may drift into what I was talking about in this thread. Whew. Two thread links in one post. I think I'll have a nap, and then transmute that bully who keeps playing goetia tunes into a servitor. And you can too! Send away for a free trial...
23:58 / 16.12.05
The most tangible result I've achieved - and it's one of the only bang-on sigil results I've got - was the first one I ever did.

It was an exercise from somewhere (possibly Grant Morrison's Pop Magic) where the goal was to see a woman with red shoes, the idea being that this was a little unusual, but still possible.

I did the whole sigilisation thing, and waited until I went to work. But the thing was, I had a problem when I was doing the sigil in that I wrote out the sentence wrongly. I first wrote "pink shoes", not red - so I crossed out the word pink and replaced it with red, hoping this would still work without killing anyone.

When I left the house the next morning, the second woman I saw on the street was wearing pink Chuck Taylors, and was painted completely red.

This hit me as being very odd indeed - it was as if the sigil had worked, but scrambled itself in the same way I tried to correct the sentence when making it.

Later on it turned out that it was Red Nose Day, and I think the woman, if not a local nutter, was probably a teacher on the way to the local school - which kind of provides the opportunity for someone to cover themselves in red paint for charity.

This whole incident amused me greatly. But no sigils I've done have been quite so oddly effective. Maybe I should try getting them wrong more often.
agent darkbootie
04:00 / 18.12.05
Question for you, Wooden Robot -- Do you use the sexual method of "gnosis" when you launch your sigils? Not sure why I ask. Maybe because I've got this stupid prejudice against doing it that way and I want to get over it.

"Hello" is a good one, in the right place at the right time (probably not up a pepper tree) or else "I am very rich" if that fails.
I've had mixed results with "Hello," but "I am very rich" followed by shooting diamonds from my nostrils seems to work more than half the time.

Here's a variation on the topic here -- Has anyone ever "summoned" any entities of any kind, and/or had meaningful conversations with them?
08:31 / 18.12.05
Question for you, Wooden Robot -- Do you use the sexual method of "gnosis" when you launch your sigils? Not sure why I ask. Maybe because I've got this stupid prejudice against doing it that way and I want to get over it.

No, I don't.

I use another, based on staring at the thing, in an unthinking state, until it seems to 'take on a life of its own', and I have memorised its shape - although I vary what I do according to what I feel like.
08:40 / 19.12.05
Depends on what you mean with "summoning". I don't really do that invocation-stuff, but still I've been talking to a lot of entities so far in dreams, meditation, ritual and also in a stream of conciousness-kind of way.

Saturn is paying regular visits - he somehow seems to like talking to me. One day, when I participated in a ritual held by some FS-related people (that's Fraternitas Saturni - I don't know if anybody knows them outside of Germany), Saturn was summoned, and when I felt his presence, I just thought "you're looking quite different, today". "Well, I'm here on an official job", he answered. Which made it hard for me to go through the rest of the ritual while suppressing a laughing-fit and made it easy to decide never to take part in such an "official event" again.

Btw, he's always speaking English to me. I think that just goes along well with his special kind of humour...
Earlier than I thought
19:03 / 19.12.05
I did a rather elaborate ritual last night, for secret stuff. Blew half the bulbs in the house. Or possibly need to get the place rewired...still, it feels pretty good at the moment. S.O. looking at me suspiciously. "What the fuck have you been up to this time?" ze says.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:18 / 17.05.06
Okay, I've been sort of sitting on this but somehow I just feel like I should write about it on a public channel.

So a little while ago I was doing some devotional work that involved messing around with various heat sources, and I actually managed to pick up a bit of burning charcoal with my fingers.

I was trying for ages, getting more and more fed up and sweaty and blistery and cheesed off with everything, then suddenly blam, I had it between my thumb and forefinger. Like it was a lump of sugar or something. Afterwards my fingers, which had been starting to blister a few moments previously, were merely sooty and a bit more sensitive than usual.

I haven't been able to do it since, but I keep trying. It was mental.
10:35 / 17.05.06
Let your fingers do the Firewalking! :-)

That's pretty cool if you ask me. Simple, direct, undeniable results at your fingertips (sorry) without needing to bite your shield and froth too much.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:53 / 17.05.06
I've been getting better at the fire/heat resistance thing, but that was about my best result evar, yeah. Minor but significant resistance + healing. I booked a week of training on Sunday night, maybe I'll be able to do it again soon...

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