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Ghost Rider


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21:21 / 27.05.06
good point about the punisher. although i would argue that the problems with the movie were inherited, or at least first seen, in the most recent punisher movie. the problem being that they're both created with the same visual formula as spiderman, or the fantastic four.

well-lit, clean and boring.

they could have come up with an interesting way to translate ghost rider into film and let that direct the style of the movie. instead they seem to have done the opposite and let the style of the movie direct the look of the character.

it's like choosing mark bagley over mark texiera to draw a GR comic.
13:10 / 05.10.06
New trailer. And it looks VanHelsingawful. Nic Cage's ham is like a big fat solar eclipse of pork. *shudders*

Screw that.
miss wonderstarr
19:41 / 06.10.06
Slightly off-topic, but I don't think it's worth a new thread ~ I was surprised today to learn that the next Fantastic Four movie is going to be all about the Silver Surfer, even to the point of naming him in the subtitle.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
20:08 / 06.10.06
Hellfire shotgun? Cool
Everything else? Looked like a sequal to the Spawn movie.

We replaced a short, fat, CGI clown demon with a tall skinny goth demon. We replaced Cagliostro with mystery gravedigger, and replaced Satan with an Emperor Palpatine lookalike.

This movie will be good in exactly zero ways.
21:10 / 14.02.07
I'm glad Sony released these clips before Friday.

I might've actually plunked down money to see this piece of crap.
Phex: Dorset Doom
22:26 / 14.02.07
Apparently Nic Cage, Zero for hire (see what I did there? Ooh I am mean) is trying to persuade Eva Mendes, who stars alongside him in Ghost Rider, to play She-Hulk if they ever make a She-Hulk film, which they won't.
H3ct0r L1m4
01:28 / 15.02.07
I watched the final trailer before The Pursuit of Happyness and was intrigued by how quick the actual GR shots were. and he appears a lot in them, so not that much of a mystery. CGI doesn't look that bad, so what's the problem?

well, much like in DAREDEVIL, the director seems to have crammed all of 30 years worth of GR comics in an hour and a half PG-13 movie. if this review is anything to go by, I suppose the flick will be so much fun to watch... if you're drunk or drugged senseless.
01:35 / 16.02.07
it looks VanHelsingawful

SO there.
15:48 / 16.02.07
I just saw a preview for it on the "Gridiron Gang" DVD.

The Boy (age 12) said it "looked cool! I wanna see that!"

I got a kick out of seeing Peter Fonda as a demon, I have to admit.... The rest of it is going to be all bright lights and falling objects, though, I'm sure.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:57 / 16.02.07
I think I'm supposed to go see this tonight. And I think I may have to be drunk to get through it.
Mark Parsons
06:35 / 18.02.07
Just saw it and, despite expecting the WORST (disliked DD and thought the trailers looked flat), I came away smiling, having been unexpectedly surprised.

The movie doesn't quite take itself seriously, which is good b/c the basic concept is just daffy-cool. Bikes, bikers, flaming skull heads, impossible love, Sam Elliot, P Fonda + Cage having fun = worth checking out if you have any affinity for all of the above.
Mark Parsons
06:39 / 18.02.07
Context; It beats DD, Elektra, Punisher, Hulk and FF by a very long shot. I liked it "better" than SPIDERMAN, but then again I dislike Toby Mcguire. BLADE and B2 are more badass and "serious," but all told a really fun flick if you dig flaming skulled bikers in any way at all...
Pepsi Max
11:40 / 25.02.07
I'm down with furioso on this one. The dialogue as awful as Cage's haircut but the CGI is well done, esp. for the demons. But Flaming Bikers! Evil Monsters! Minimal plot!

It reminded me of the Constantine adaption in tone & style.

The sequel should amp up the Western angle a bit more...
14:56 / 05.03.07
I had the surprise pleasure of catching this at a private pirate screening round a mate's place yesterday, and I have to tell you it's fucking atrocious shit but really good fun, especially if you run with the idea that Sam Elliot's voiceover at the opening and closing is a clear and undeniable signifier that he is THE SAME CHARACTER as The Cowboy from The Big Lebowski and that the two films exist in THE SAME FICTIONAL UNIVERSE.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
15:31 / 05.03.07
Evil Scientist
10:54 / 09.03.07
Well, I didn't feel cheated out of my money watching this at the cinema. That said it wasn't a very good film. Entertaining in places, but really badly edited.

I'm surprised that Cage, who's been wanting to play a super-hero for ages, sleepwalks through his role. That tired hangdog look and Texan drawl just didn't engage me.

It would also have been nice for Blackheart's demo-goons to actually have been a threat of some kind, rather than being utterly pwned as soon as they came into chain's reach of GR.

The effects for Ghost Rider looked good enough, nothing special though. I don't think they really struck the balance between Rider speaking "street" and him doing the more appropriate "THE GUILTY WILL BE PUNISHED! INNOCENT BLOOD HAS BEEN SPILT!" stuff. Although I'd rather he'd stuck to the later rather than the former.

Some cool little moments (Caretaker! Kind-of). Also some vast gaping plot holes.

One of the detectives questioning Blaze really should have been Badilino. Just to salve my geekly soul.

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