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Recommend me a movie


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Scrambled Password Bogus Email
13:33 / 18.04.05

I can't really be bothered to tell you what I like and don't like, since it may lead to me missing something I'd really love. Pretty open to allsorts. Go on, it's Monday, I'm bored, I've got 10 Gb download left and a superfast web connection. Surprise me. I'm already grateful.
13:47 / 18.04.05
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
13:53 / 18.04.05
Ah. Seen it a few times. Something a little more modern maybe?
Jack Fear
13:54 / 18.04.05
14:01 / 18.04.05
Something modern, you say.

The Modern Things?

9.0 on imbd.
14:02 / 18.04.05
"Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and...Spring"

Its kinda about ninja monks, but it is in no way an action movie....its sort of..well....

Anyway, enjoy.
14:03 / 18.04.05
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind?
14:07 / 18.04.05
Primer. How can you go wrong with a super-low budget film about time travel? Well, don't answer that. But do see the film.
Saint Keggers
14:08 / 18.04.05
Space Truckers
Benny the Ball
14:10 / 18.04.05
Mean Girls. It funny and maky laugh ha ha, yes?
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
14:19 / 18.04.05
Ooh, Eternal Sunshine is a good suggestion, and that Modern bidnid looks goofy enough (so long as it isn't anything like Cabin Fever, please God), and yea, even Primer is a possibility. Thanks BarbeTypes!

Perhaps the thread could be a general list of really excellent films which everyone who has membership here should, by rights, see.

To avoid the Candles.
14:33 / 18.04.05
Hotel Rwanda. Why the hell not?
Tryphena Absent
14:45 / 18.04.05
In the last year or so my favourite films have been Ping Pong, The Dreamers, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle (I'm not kidding, I thought it was hilarious) and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. My least favourite was American Splendor.
14:47 / 18.04.05
..White castle is fantastic
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:11 / 18.04.05
Cool! I've never even heard of it....Nina, I crush you more with every passing post.
Bed Head
15:14 / 18.04.05
You could try Natural City. It’s a bit slow, and it’s not got a particularly original plot, but it is a quite ridiculously pretty film. If you’re into sad-eyed, angsty future-people, that is.
15:35 / 18.04.05
It makes me so happy that some of you liked White Castle, so happy that I'm going to watch it when I go home tonight. I've still got Primer to watch but not tonight, tonight is White Castle..
oh yes.
15:48 / 18.04.05
have you ever seen City of God? it's a must see. in-fucking-credible. I bought the dvd for my dad for his birthday.
15:53 / 18.04.05
It's great but it doesn't have Doogie Howser riding a Cheetah so White Castle still wins.

But yeah well worth a watch, also Oldboy - get Oldboy.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
16:18 / 18.04.05
Mm, ye Oldboy is top of the binaries newsgroup I'm looking at...Is it good then?

And ye, City of God...not seen yet.

Cheers, peeps!
17:01 / 18.04.05
Here are a few movies that I think are pretty good off of the top of my head.

The Reflecting Skin- truly a nightmarish depiction of the horror of being a child.

Fallen Angels- lonely people wandering around Hong Kong.

Sharkskin Man and Peach Hip Girl- the quirkiest heist film I have ever seen.

Angel Heart- a film noirish voodoo murder mystery set in New Orleans, with Mickey Rourke.
17:08 / 18.04.05
Sharkskin Man and Peach Hip Girl-seconded.
Following- the second film by the gentleman who brought us Momento.
17:25 / 18.04.05
I would like to recommend the zatoichi series, particularly the third one, which actually made me teary.

movies I've recently seen that I particularly liked:

king of masks, a movie that will break your heart about a million times.

la strada - doesn't unfold the way that they lead you to believe in the description. another sad story.

I'm a big horror movie fan, and enjoy all types of horror movies (from big budget special effects monsters to uber cheesy 80s films), and I really liked ginger snaps. ginger snaps 2 was ok.

raising arizona is one of my all time favorite movies, and I watch it over and over again.

shallow grave was a great movie (it says "thriller", but it was more about people going a little loony in the face of paranoia and greed). the ending cinched it for me.

slumber party massacre - if you love super cheesy cliche crap 80s horror movies, this movie has every single cliche in the book.

the stuff, another crappy horror movie that I absolutely loved. best watched with friends who find humor in off the wall d-level movies.

ok, tired now - off to update my netflix queue!
Saint Keggers
17:34 / 18.04.05
The Wrong Guy
18:03 / 18.04.05

The Big Lebowski

It´s so rewatchable!
18:18 / 18.04.05
Buffalo 66, AVP, Cemetary Man, Old Boy, Finding Neverland.
18:26 / 18.04.05
bitchiekittie, I actually prefer Slumber Party Massacre 2, where the Driller Killer is [quoted from the video box] "reincarnated as an evil rocker." Musical mayhem ensues:

*sings* "How do you like my sound? A-buzz-buzzzzzzzz" *kills screaming teenies with Drill Guitar*

Benny the Ball
20:06 / 18.04.05
Ooooo, get The Stuff. Me and my dad laughed at the trailer for that (which seemed to be everywhere) when I was about ten. Finally he hired it and let me watch it - it's terrible, and good. It's a satire, ha ha, in the loosest sense.
20:47 / 18.04.05
lepidopteran - sounds like my kind of cheese. back to netflix, my friend. thanks!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
21:14 / 18.04.05
I have recently watched the DVD of "Day of the Dead" and was surprised at how well it's aged. I like it more than "Night" at this point.

I also have deep deep love for any of Spalding Gray's movies, but especially "Swimming To Cambodia."
21:30 / 18.04.05
Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers
21:34 / 18.04.05
I'll second everything of Feathered Up's, and add:

You might want to see Chungking Express before Fallen Angels. I think some of the cross-references work better that way. Same director, Wong Kar-Wai. If you like any of his stuff you'll probably like most of it.

I've been recommending Pen-Ek Ratanaruang's 'Last Life in the Universe' to everyone and getting nothing but positive responses back. This is one that rewards viewing on a large screen set if you or a friend have one. Visually very rich.

If you like any of Pedro Almodovar's films and haven't seen his 'crossover' film, please check out 'Women on the verge of a Nervous Breakdown.' Really a delightful, warm, funny, touching film.

For something super depressing, check out Tsai Ming-Liang's 'The River'. Less depressing but still incredible is 'The Hole'.

If you've missed any of Terence Malick's work (Badlands, Days of Heaven, Thin Red Line) you've missed a lot.
22:05 / 18.04.05
some very australian movies:


road to nhill

...and a fantastic nz movie:

quiet earth (has bruno lawrence in, fab sci fi - astounding climax!)

i don't think anyone is poised to comment on 'the best ever sci-fi film' until they have at least seen this one... blade runner and soylent green included
22:29 / 18.04.05
Speaking of Wong Kar-Wai, after you get through Chungking and Fallen Angels, check out his other, more recent pair of films, In the Mood for Love and 2046.

Also, whoever mentioned Oldboy upthread, definitely grab that. Fabulous revenge film. And something that's not from Asia, check out Dogville from Lars Von Trier.
22:32 / 18.04.05
and for Australian films you canny not forget

A fun, punky/alternative late seventies/early eighties scened film based in Melbourne...full of realistic drug/party/share-house scenes, riddled with youthful energy and has the world's greatest soundtrack.
Ignore some dodgy bits of script and acting (especially from Micheal Hutchence), and I am sure you'll love it..
it is hard to find though, so good luck.

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