(Oh, bugger, ibis? Argh no, shit, I didn't process the fact that it was you posting again or I'd have held my What Constitutes Foul Booze rant for another time, another place. I'm not hunting you across space and time for my own sick amusement, honest.)
Asti Spumante, Pomagne... I get why they're not as nice as proper booze but why, exactly, are they worse than Red Bull and [Insert trendy brand of spirit here].
I've just never undrestood why it was quote okay unquote to drink alcopops but not fake hellwine. See, if you actually just hate wine that is less than a tenner a bottle, that's one thing. But if you mock the Asti Spumenti (as you might yellow trainers) whilst necking some horribly expensive fusion of cranberry Bacardi Breezer and R. Whites' Lemonade with a homeopathic quantity of Some Melted Diamonds In A Tortured Russian Baby's Tears or whatever is the drinkfad these days, I fear you have lost my sympathies.
That will be all. |