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Page: 12(3)

Our Lady Has Left the Building
09:49 / 08.04.05
< serves >
Grey Area
09:54 / 08.04.05
(weaving through crowd) 'scuse me, pardon me, coming through, head's up, make a hole, yeah well same to you mate!

< volleys >
12:28 / 08.04.05
*looks down at tennis outfit as modelled by most female players*
*screams and hides in the bar*
13:29 / 08.04.05
I'll just do the "head bobbing back and forth" move characteristic of the tennis match spectator.
13:30 / 08.04.05
[But wait! I just realized we were playing sardines! How did tennis break out in a tiny closet crammed full of lithers?]
13:48 / 08.04.05
because either;

a) this thread is like the Tardis

b) they are playing whilst hopping from on top of 'lither's heads

All those who vote a) say 'ey' and all those who say b) say neigh
13:55 / 08.04.05
neigh. And it hurts, especially when they jump up to serve. I keep spilling my soup.
16:22 / 08.04.05
I cross-shunt to Tooting Bec, leaving Strix in nid.
16:26 / 08.04.05
17:22 / 08.04.05
That's Numberwang!
17:39 / 08.04.05
I actually have no clue what Grant was posting about, and numberwang is confusing me further.
04:30 / 09.04.05
What's the score for head tennis? Can anyone see? :-?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:25 / 09.04.05
< returns >

Come on Tim! Come on Tim! Brains! Come on Tim! Come on Tim! Brains... Come on... Brains...
13:24 / 11.04.05
I'm sorry (not really) but this thread slipped and people were calling it "the best thread ever" and since I convinced someone else to go first I now feel comfortable here. As long as we don't use Australian Rules that is. Have you ever SEEN Australian Rules (football [small "f"])?. It's rubbish and seems to involve a lot of camp showtunes-style club songs and big butch men crashing through rafia paper. Utter crap.
13:29 / 11.04.05
They're quite soft, those Aussie rules players.
Grey Area
14:01 / 11.04.05
14:19 / 11.04.05
Could someone open a window it's getting stuffy in here.

Page: 12(3)

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