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14:46 / 07.04.05
I am still on tea, but I will be making some Tom Ka Gai. Which is funny because I just remember I was dreaming of bok choy last night. Anyway, everyone is invited to have a virtual boiwl of soup.

Sax, if what you wanted to achieve was to get people to post to Barbleith, you have achieved it, regardles if it is in this thread or not. Feel proud at a mission accomplished.
14:46 / 07.04.05
I think you might need to run the rules past us again.
14:47 / 07.04.05
It's a bit like Twister, only with baby oil... try to keep up.
14:47 / 07.04.05
Oh no. I am posting with a Quebecois accent.
14:49 / 07.04.05
That's Quebeckers innit?
14:52 / 07.04.05
Only if you want to say it incorrectly, Loomis.
14:53 / 07.04.05
Oh but I do. Annoys them no end, it does.
15:06 / 07.04.05
Well, my day has been improved enormously by this thread.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:10 / 07.04.05
'Course, in my day we made our own entertainment. Cricket and anal sex as far as the eye could see.
15:11 / 07.04.05
Cricket sex? I'm calling the RSPCA.
16:35 / 07.04.05
No-one's really following my explicit instructions here, are they?

I did! I posted a link to something really interesting about boredom!

Oh, wait a minute.
Grey Area
18:01 / 07.04.05
Cricket? Smashing! Who's going to set up the wickets? I just happen to have my trusty Ouchmaster2000 cricket bat with me...
18:20 / 07.04.05
I'm back from the offie with more wine!
will ten bottles be enough?
19:06 / 07.04.05
I've some wine here too, and a giant bar of chocolate. So - we here for the night?
Saint Keggers
19:11 / 07.04.05
something below it
19:36 / 07.04.05
Found a four pack of beer in my wallet. Can someone open the door acrack, it's getting a bit stuffy?
20:18 / 07.04.05
something below it

I've been "it" before, but never anything below "it." What's it like?
Grey Area
20:44 / 07.04.05
The view's not much to write home about.
20:51 / 07.04.05
I dunno, GA. I like "it"

As above, so below.
21:03 / 07.04.05
As above, so below.

Damn koans. They bore right into my skull, they do.

Wait! This isn't the boring thread. It's the sardines thread.

You're it! You're it!
Grey Area
21:04 / 07.04.05
Well, that may be fine for you, but I prefer the view from above.
21:04 / 07.04.05
Guess what's below me.
21:10 / 07.04.05
Given that I've just been writing about gravestones in the Q&A thread, I don't really want to think about what's below me.
Grey Area
21:13 / 07.04.05
Guess what's below me.

21:31 / 07.04.05
Bloody hell!
A bit rammed in 'ere, innit?
21:35 / 07.04.05
The chill-out corner is under Ariadne's left foot. Oi! Get that nose out of my armpit, whoever you are. Come in, no-one will ever find us here.
21:44 / 07.04.05
That's not a nose, Cube.
21:50 / 07.04.05
...and that's not really my armpit.
22:33 / 07.04.05
OOh, look everyone, I've found a secret passage that leads here.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:45 / 08.04.05
Now can you find a secret passage that leads into John Malkovitch's head?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:00 / 08.04.05
I say, anyone for tennis?
06:16 / 08.04.05
Only if someone remembers the strawberries and cream......

Doubles anyone?
Grey Area
08:20 / 08.04.05
Are we going to use the Australian rules? Because I think those would be ideally suited to the conditions...
wembley can change in 28 days
09:12 / 08.04.05
Aussie rules with a Quebecker judge, and you're on.
Grey Area
09:37 / 08.04.05
Well, seeing as paragraph 65, subsection (viii) allows for Franco-Canadian judges as long as they're wearing clown pants, I see no problem with the inclusion of the Quebequois judge. Now all we need is a trussed up armadillo for a ball and we're good to go.

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