Fairly mashed. Just watched Visitor Q... it was a bit fucked, to say the least...
...now I'm playing video games, deciding whether to watch another film or just get fucked and pass out... I'm going to the opera tomorrow so I don't want to feel too bad...
Pretty good actually.. had a few beers.. working on some design projects, listening to the faint. And I have to say.. wow.. this is the best thing since sliced bread, you heard em? What piece btw?
What, the opera?
Gotterdammerung, the ENO. By this time tomorrow I'll finally have seen the entire Ring Cycle.
Not familiar with the Faint... but I bought the new New Order album today. That seems cool on a cursory listen.
Yes, the opera. ENO? You should really check them out, download "Take me to the hospital". Excellent. And yes, New order is pretty good.. though its something about them that I just dont like, cant but my finger on it.. they released a new album?
Evening folks, its cloudy out. My weekend plans have been cancelled and I want to be in a pub right now surrounded by good friends and better drinks. sigh.
I've recently been researching into foods that make you change colour for this thing I'm supposed to be writing. I already knew eating stuff with silver in makes you go blue/grey (forever) and I read where loads of carrots make you go orange (for a bit). Can you eat other stuff to turn colours? Like, if Popeye was real would he be green?