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Why is that your ficsuit?


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haus of fraser
19:13 / 30.03.05
i started as Copeys Brick as in Julian Copes Brick-a nod for those who've read his novel 'head on' - most recently adapted to arch drude of goofballs cos i had to come up with a title for meself in kindom of loathing - arch drude being copeys self proclaimed title- and goofballs being the drug i was hooked on in kingdom of loathing....
19:56 / 30.03.05
So to me lekvar = PLAYDADDY. In a Lego kind of way.
I think I can live with that.
02:02 / 31.03.05
aww shucks, grant. i thought i was yooneek...

so i am a toy, engaged in a sexual position of ill repute...??

sheesh! that make me a toy boy? (my older partner certainly thinks so, but let's not go there...)
02:52 / 31.03.05
iszabelle is a variant on a log-in that I used back in the bad old days of BBS, and still use in other places these days...

...which is a variant of an identity that I used when I was a member of the League of Archaic Pleasures....

...and that identity was a spur of the moment inspiration that I snagged from the name of a (then) local chain of eateries.

The "in mourning" part I tacked on after the November elections; s'poze I could drop it now and go back to just being iszabelle.
Psi-L is working in hell
11:26 / 31.03.05
Mine's a hang over from other message boards but is just an amalgamation of my first name and last name. The 'P' stuck on the front was because many years ago back when I first started chatting on comic forums, I thought it was a cool thing to do, now it just annoys me.

Time for a change methinks...
11:31 / 31.03.05
Jub is my nickname IRL.

A jub is one who does menial work. As in "the chef told one of the jubs in the kitchen to clear up the mess". I used to be a jub and was explaining this lingo to my friends and it stuck. They are all bloody nice chaps.
Spatula Clarke
11:47 / 31.03.05
I wanted a new suit here - old one's still the norm elsewhere - and this name popped into my head in the half-light that is stirring from sleep. In the afternoon.

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