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Why is that your ficsuit?


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Scrambled Password Bogus Email
17:37 / 24.03.05
I'm sure their has been a thread like this before, but stuff it anyway, lets have a new one.

Feel free to call on particular posters to justify or die!

Personally, I was handed this one in one of the "your ficsuit is shit - let me change it" threads, by Denfield, or Robot, one of those types.
17:41 / 24.03.05
I dont know really. I just like the sound of it. Maybe Im just slightly boring
17:51 / 24.03.05
I chose mine because it sounds so crude but is actually quite innocent. Next time you're in a pub, tell the person next to you to "Eat lekvar!" and see what happens.
admiral sausage
17:53 / 24.03.05
Because I contain at least 65% meat, of which a minimum of 80% (of the meat) must be pork, the rest of me is made up of shredded newspaper, bits of fluff, old plasters and lumps poop, and I'm an Admiral in the Royal Navy.
17:56 / 24.03.05
Mine's my name.

The Morrison connection I thought was mildly amusing at the time, but basically I'd been grant on the net for a while before arriving here.

Lower-case g. Because I'm informal.
19:23 / 24.03.05
I used to call my dog "boy boy" and "boss boy" somehow this became Bobossboy. Others started to call me Bobossboy or Boboss (very rarely, I should add - MacGyver is a culprit) IRL. I started posting on Boo-ratherlove and it seemed right.

TBH I find it quite hard to express what the name *means* to me - I suspect Pappuce is the only person who has any idea. It makes me want to bite my fist and thump by head.

Weird, eh?
19:46 / 24.03.05
Logos=Greek for "the word", or even "the Word" in the sense of being one of the names of God.

Also, logos, pronounced differently, is the plural of logo, a corporate or personal sigil, symbol or identifier.
19:57 / 24.03.05
Mine's my name.

I used to be Chesed for a while. That was when I was all light-side-of-the-occult and shit. Then I was political for a while "Chad Votes 4 Change" and "Chad : Battle Mode"... While I'm inspired by all the wonderfully silly names here, I just can't keep up.
20:04 / 24.03.05
Well, obviously, it's because I'm reflective!

The fact that I've remained Mirror is sort of interesting considering that I abandoned the suit at one point prior to the last major software change at Barbelith, but was able to reclaim it when the new board came into existence.
Tryphena Absent
20:13 / 24.03.05
Erm, mine's my name too and I was talking to someone about Yousef Islam in the pub and said 'that's like if my name was Nina Christianity' and it sounded good.
Saint Keggers
21:09 / 24.03.05
Because Englebert Humperdink was already a famous name...
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:53 / 24.03.05


22:24 / 24.03.05
It happened to form at a tidy intersection of my interests:

sine waves from my old work in neuromagnetics
sinology - my fascination with Chinese classics
sine qua non - making me 'without'
and of course it puns on 'sign'

and of course the general meaning in trig allows my friends to periodically refer to my rants as 'hyperbolic sine' and 'hypersine'.

It reads nice and short and smooth, and like grant I like the easy going lower case.
electric monk
02:13 / 25.03.05
"Shaftoe"! I knew I recognized that name from somewhere.

Here's my secret origin:

From "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" by Douglas Adams

The Electric Monk was a labor-saving device, like a dishwasher or a video recorder. Dishwashers washed tedious dishes for you, thus saving you the bother of washing them yourself, video recorders watched tedious television for you, thus saving you the bother of looking at it yourself; Electric Monks believed things for you, thus saving you what was becoming an increasingly onerous task, that of believing all the things the world expected you to believe.

...Unfortunately this Electric Monk had developed a fault, and had started to believe all kinds of things, more or less at random...

...This Monk had first gone wrong when it was simply given too much to believe in one day. It was, by mistake, cross-connected to a video recorder that was watching eleven TV channels simultaneously, and this caused it to blow a bank of illogic circuits. The video recorder only had to watch them, of course. It didn't have to believe them all as well. This is why instruction manuals are so important.

So after a hectic week of believing that war was peace, that good was bad, that the moon was made of blue cheese, and that God needed a lot of money sent to a certain box number, the Monk started to believe that 35 percent of all tables were hermaphrodites, and then broke down.

...That was it. Done.

At the time I chose it, I thought it dovetailed nicely with my interest in chaos magic and my penchant for lurking around the Temple forum. I heard Douglas Adams had passed away a few days after I started using it as my suit.

10:09 / 25.03.05
I named myself after the third son of Adam and Eve, to whom Adam apparently imparted magico-religious secrets and was the inspiration for the Sethian Gnostics (who see Seth as a pre-incarnate Christ, or at least invested with the same spirit). Seth is also an Egyptian fertility god who became synonymous with murder and corruption after he kicked Osiris' ass and cut him into little bits.

My real name is Xerxes.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:18 / 25.03.05
I just like words. These two are yellow with orangey and white bits, and then blue (mostly). At the moment I have added "tenía razón" which essentially means "was right."
Baz Auckland
11:27 / 25.03.05
My 'name' is mine because I've had it too long to change it now... and I quite like the sound of the name 'Baz'...
12:01 / 25.03.05
I stole mine from a glossy magazine that has longsince changed its name and ceased publication...
Captain Zoom
16:16 / 25.03.05
Been this one since waaaaaaayyyy back on the DC message boards. Not sure why. I'm not particularly quick at things, nor do I hold a military or nautical rank.
16:37 / 25.03.05
Well, I joined here while I was reading Godzilla Mountain's New X-Men. You know that bit when the 3-1 blow up Cerebra? Oh, you don't? Well, it was pretty cool and I was lurking at the time and it seemed to meet the requirements for a good fiction name: be just obscure enough while showing you still want to have Gorgon Machiavelli's babies.
Benny the Ball
17:02 / 25.03.05
Because all the other Top Cat characters have obscure names or verge on the racist. But I probably most resemble Fancy Fancy of the gang.
17:19 / 25.03.05
I'm a bloodthirsty man-eating lion-headed goddess who is easily distracted by wine.

And shiny objects.


(* chases a windblown bit of fluff *)

(* falls over a cliff *)
Grey Area
17:22 / 25.03.05
My name's one of the characters from Iain M. Banks' nocel 'Excession'. I liked the sound of it, and it matches my outlook that things are never just black and white. But in all honesty I just like the way it sounds.
17:27 / 25.03.05
I have a square head.
Nobody's girl
18:33 / 25.03.05
My name's one of the characters from Iain M. Banks' nocel 'Excession'.

Aha! It's one of the more interesting Minds, isn't it? I sign in as "Diziet Sma", one of my favourites from The Culture.
The Natural Way
20:00 / 25.03.05
My name, like all my names, just sounded so incredibly annoying I just had to run with it. I believe My brother may have come up with it the same day we discussed other potential annoying fic-suits, like Clackiraq and EXTREME DAVOS.
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
20:03 / 25.03.05
Named after a pig-shaped washmitt, Little Scrubby.

Although - is that an answer? It's a reason, certainly, but not necessarily a good reason.
8===>Q: alyn
20:38 / 25.03.05
Money $hot, you sonnovabitch, Flux Fluxington gave you that name, and don't you forget it!

Qalyn is my name written as though I were an Arab character as devised by Chris Claremont. I once sent a package of drawings from Sheik Qalyn al-Ranqyn to Vice Chanceller Alexei von Finckhauer (an old college chum), which took six weeks to be delivered, and had been opened.

I recently learned that a "colinda" is a Dominican machete, when a bunch of the Latin American guys at work started calling me "Machete".
21:25 / 25.03.05
There's a small town in Cornwall called "Lostwithiel", where I went for a meal when I was seven, which got my wondering who Withiel was, and why he or she was lost. I eventually decided he was clearly some sort of Irish supernatural moor-wanderer, and eventually adopted the character as a sort of IRL ficsuit. Then a few years ago I found out that the town was named after an Irish saint, and there's a poem about him facing down the Wild Hunt. On a moor. Which was rather pleasantly synchronicitous.
23:13 / 25.03.05
Hm. Started off as fred, because I wanted a neutral, meaningless name. I have similar names elsewhere. Then started listening to lots of lifter puller, thus 'nightclub dwight' -- a character from the fiestas + fiascos album.

Fiestas + Fiascos = my life, pretty much.
23:22 / 25.03.05
You ever believed in BIG STRONG DADDY-LEGS?
And do you believe in BAD FLYING AEROPLANE?
Then you will REJOICE in believing in DOG-LIKE SPARKY!
He's all heaven sent but will he suffer from your sweetness?

That's the start of the song. I don't know what it means but it sounded comfy.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
23:46 / 25.03.05
I started out as Jabberwocky and stayed that way for a long time, but almost never posted. Then I was Sean the Sin Eater for a while, because Sean is my name and I felt like it. Following that, I was Sean the Frumious Bandernatch (from Through the Looking Glass) and Sean the Flesh Tuxedo. Flesh Tuxedo seemed like a really deep and metaphysically significant name, but it was actually just a line from the Spinal Tap song Big Bottoms.

"The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin',
That's what I said.
The thicker the waistband, the deeper the quicksand,
Or so I have read.
My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo
I want to sink her with my pink torpedo...

Anyway, then I was "Sean (is a four letter word)", which I ripped off from the Poppies' song "PWEI is a Four Letter Word". Last month I was supposed to be 534N K1N6 vs The Unnamed Evil, but I couldn't even get the L337 right and I messed up. The reason I haven't been posting recently is because I hate that name so much.

(Okay, that's a lie. I've actually been real busy with college and work. But whatever.)

Right now I'm Sean the Hunger Artist, which is a reference to a short story by one of those pretentious European authors. I can't remember if I chose it because I thought I was Jesus or because I was hungry. I think that next month, I'll be "Sean is the Sweethog", because I love the song "Kali is the Sweethog" by BigDumbFace.
06:21 / 26.03.05
Myself and a former friend briefly toyed with the idea of an online equivalent of spoof newscasts like "Not Necessarily the News" or "The Daily Show," except done in a style and humor along the lines of Terry Gilliam's Python animation. It was to be called "News Blotter," mostly because the whole thing was to look like the most hallucinatory trip possible. The anchor for this show would be a face that'd fill the screen, through which you could sometimes see another face wearing the first (or occasionally a feature in the wrong location), and which would rip apart to transition to "footage" or soundbites. This anchor, I decided, needed to have a name that was definitely apart from the WASPy, generic handles most news achors possess, with ethnicity and unwieldy syllables. I also wanted it to possess some level of encoded meaning (this was before I knew anything of sigils). Therefore, I chose the names of a number of different revolutionary figures with related names, including John the Baptist, John Lennon and Vladimir Lenin, and morphed them together into Vladimir Johannes Baptiste. I then added the Junior, since this figure was to be their spiritual heir. When the "News Blotter" concept went nowhere, I held onto the name, liking it enough to choose it as my pseudonym and eventual ficsuit.

As I explained in the "Let Me Rename You" thread, my current handle is the closest I can get to representing the sigilized version of VJB2, which itself is a sigil. Whatever I choose to call myself next will likely be a further sigilization of that.

06:28 / 26.03.05
Qalyn: Qalyn is my name written as though I were an Arab character as devised by Chris Claremont.

I have a pseudonym like that one, too: Xeniph al-Q'emnef. I'm always surprised when people actually believe that's a real Arabic name.

09:22 / 26.03.05
Well I sign in under Text_Production, and then I was something like MatterArisingFromTheMinutes with variations all ,I suppose, to do with with the somewhat nebulous nature of board/bored posting. Then Polythene Harvey through To Tales of a Polythene Rabbit, was all about things I liked with a Polythene prefix.
Then I was The Little God of Few Rewards as The Holy Empire of The Little God of Few Rewards used to be my Jennifer Government Nationstate through to variations like The Little God Icy Spaces which was a minor deity in a Michael Scott book.
I think Ive also nicked my current handle from someone, possibly a board member.
Might go back to the Poly prefix-
Polysyllabic or maybe PolyScyllaBitch.
eh spew.

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