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"Pick up a new computer on the way home..."


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18:37 / 24.03.05
Good show. Hope you love it, but there are two things that may drive you insane, so watch out for them:
I like being able to right-click on anything instead of figuring out if I should click, apple-click or cntrl-click to do something

Yup. Add a right mouse button and I might consider getting a Mac. Until then, nah.

The other? Just wait until you meet one of the many friggin Mac progs that have one or even no level of Undo. Graaagh.

Apart from that, enjoy!
19:51 / 24.03.05
Ganesh, consult your wireless router's user manual to set up WEP password/encryption. I believe it's done through the initial setup of the wireless router or can be done through the Network control panel in System Preferences.
21:44 / 24.03.05
You don't really need to encrypt to stop people getting into your computer, unless you've chosen a stupidly easy password. You need it to stop them poncing off your wireless connection, and conducting naughty hacker business through it and leaving you with the blame.

You can plug a two- or three- or however-many-button mouse into a Mac and it will work fine, and this has been the case for years.
11:03 / 25.03.05
As fridge says you can use a two or three-button mouse on your mac - you can probably just plug your old mouse in if you really miss it...
19:22 / 25.03.05
Well, with me the problem is I use a Dell laptop with a touchpad at work (where I do most of my browsing -- I'm on it right now).

So right-clicking for me is a thumb-movement.

Interesting that you can plug a non-Mac mouse into one, though. That's kind of cool.
19:58 / 25.03.05
I hear that Sidetrack is supposed to be a nice little program to use on you powerbook to add functionality to your trackpad (kind of like what the new ones do with built-in scrolling). If you don't have a brand new one, maybe this will help you with your productivity. I use an external keyboard and mouse with my Tibook, so I haven't thought of installing it yet.

Ganesh... congrats on the new iMac. Those things are pretty nice. Did you get a 17" or 20"? Here's a few tips I'll share with you...

Make sure you have at least 512mb of RAM in the machine. I don't run systems with less the 1gb (graphic artist stuff mostly) and it's the most important addition to your machine if you want the most out of what you have.

If you ever run out of hd space, think about picking up a nice external firewire drive. Very useful for DVD rips, backing up data, etc..

Pick up at least a 2 or 3-button mouse with a scroll-button. Test them out first to see what works for you. And if you use Expose (the window management thing that scales windows around and shifts them off screen, etc. - excellent BTW), I recommend mapping the default F9 function to the down click of the scrollwheel and command-scrollclick to shift windows off of your desktop (F11, I believe). I found it's the easiest way to navigate the OS without reaching around your keyboard to evoke the function.

Go to your System Preferences and go to Energy saver. Under the options tab, turn your processor performance to highest for a modest boost in speed.

Some personal preferences...

Under Keyboard and Mouse, I usually turn the repeat rate all the way up and delay until repeat to short. It makes your keyboard much more responsive.

Make sure your resolution is turned all the way up on the machine to open up your screen real estate. It probably is by default though.

If you use safari, activate tabs under the preferences. Makes surfing multiple sites in one window possible and very useful. Also (important), make sure Open "safe" files after downloading is not checked. There was a vulnerability with that function some months back.

If you drag your hard disk icon to your dock (near the trash can), it'll make a space to put it. If you right-click (ctrl-click) on the icon, it'll let you navigate your disk from the pop-up menu much more quickly then opening up columns or windows.

One more thing...

After any update to my system, I run a little app called Cocktail to put things back in order. It's a nice little app that puts an interface on some of the functions built into the system that you usually need to evoke in Unix, etc. Run the pilot and make sure you run cron scripts, prebind system and repair permissions. After it's done, restart. I run it about once a week and it keeps everything in check.
20:06 / 25.03.05
In regards to wireless usage, the router that you use (you can buy a cheaper one than an Airport Express or Extreme, my netgear cost $20) should have it's control panel accessible through a web browser if you hit the address Make sure you change the master password to something you know and check out the settings that are posted above.

Personally, I use wep as well as my mac address (not as in Mac) to identify only my computer for my wireless settings. That way, everyone else gets denied access to my router and the transmission is encrypted.

If you're looking to purchase things, I highly recommend dealmac as the place to sniff out deals. I've saved the company I work for as well as myself a decent amount of money finding items through there.

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