sorry, bjsay, but i don't agree that cutting NASA funding will affect the living standards of first world people - in fact, i would argue the opposite is true.
explain how?
NASA funding has no feedback mechanism in profit/loss. you have no way of judging consumer demand for space travel, since the taxes are taken coercively instead of voluntarily by market forces. so while we can all agree that space travel is great, can you say that NASA is fulfilling the most urgent wants of consumers? the answer is clearly no. they are not paying for NASA voluntarily. economics is about human choices. resources, given to us by nature, are scarce. we need to figure out how to maximize the benefit. government is economically blind. only people trading to improve their own individual circumstances (aka intelligent agents forming a complex adaptive system) can spontaneouslt allocate resources
what is it about NASA you find so disarming and alarming?
i have no problem with space research. i have a problem with government-funded space research. government funded means taxation. taxation means that you are coercively forcing people to pay for something. this means that you are effectively holding a gun to their heads. if they wanted it, they would have paid for it themselves. that is what i find so disarming--that you would revert to violent coercion to fund your pet projects
(do i hazard a guess and wonder if, say norway were running it, not the US, it mightn't be such a bad thing..? perhaps i am mistaken..)
if norway were running it it would be equally bad for the norwegians, and in this global economy of ours, the long run opportunity cost would lower the living standards the world over.
this funding of science is a critical human exploration and should be encouraged and funded to the hilt.
couldn't agree more. why is the government doing it tho? how can they figure out how much to spend optimally for [NASA] v. [suicide] v. [whatever]? they can't. it's called "pretence of knowledge". look it up
the living standard increases through this engagement with cosmology, aeronautics and astronomy, not to mention biology, physics and geology to name a few more, are legion. what other science funding should you cut?
false. living standards improve with capital per person. only when science is directly translated into CAPITAL can it improve living standards.
i couldnt agree more that science can help lead to improved living standards. for the record, i have four years worth of biochem in college. i analyze technology-related companies and industries all day long, from semiconductors to energy to nanotech to biotech. i'm all for science funding. i just think it should be done privately. therefore, cut all government science funding.
on the other hand, going back to an earlier post of mine on this thread, the same cannot be said for the obscene billions poured by the first world into military spending. imagine spending just half of a percent of the current military budget of the first world on neuroscience. or literacy. or nutrition research. or youth suicide prevention. or [insert research hobby horse here...]
i'm saying, imagine the government not spending ANY of this money on war OR neuroscience OR any [insert pet research project here]. i'm going to guess that you've never heard of Bastiat's Broken Window Fallacy. aka, opportunity costs. or, "what is seen v. what is not seen". go look those up. I'd recommend reading Economics in One Lesson .
now, imagine all of this capital that the government is not wasting floating around in the private sector. the venture-capital and other funded research projects that can be undertaken because the government is not spending on war, NASA, social security, foreign aid to dictators, etc.
are you familiar with Celera? do you remember how Celera killed the government project? thats not an exception to the rule. [yes, i'm sure some dullards are going to say that celera piggybacked on the government. go learn the actual history, i was there for it] there are huge incentives for private individuals and companies to research space travel, literacy (US was ~90% literate before govt mandated public education, for the record), nutrition research, etc.
just because the GOVERNMENT is doing it now, doesnt mean that it can't be done infinitely better in the private sector.
leave off advocating the reduction (let alone the abolition) of NASA funding and pour your rebellion into dismantling all military, in first and third worlds.
i am 100% for dismantling the military in first and third worlds.
i just dont see much differnece philsopohically between warfare socialism (military) and welfare socialism (which could be bent to include NASA). economically, they are more or less in the same boat. |