But Bambling, we've all got bigger penises than you, even Nina, so we've got a right to feel superior.
Båmbling: Bæutiful Uniqueørn: It is admirably how vitriolic Cameron, Timelady and Nina have been due to the fact that this movie made them feel like bloated rental Hauses, when, in fact, they have missed the subtleties of the film amidst their superiority.
Care to share any of those? I haven't read anything yet that has pointed out subtleties that I missed. Do I need to point out that by saying I didn't like the film because I missed the point you're implying you are suggesting you are more intelligent than me because you did 'get the point', while at the same time complaining about me acting superior?
You belittle those in the latter category because they do not agree with your main criticism; you are so superior, you know.
Umm, no, not really. You said you liked the film, I didn't, when kovacs responded with a reply that I felt was insulting I responded more or less in kind. Rather than me being mean, is it perhaps just that you invested a lot into a film that you decided was worth the effort and feel annoyed that other people don't consider it worth the effort?
Why should I feel the need to defend my choice of entertaiment which is one of the far too rare movies that come along once in a while: a movie I can immerse myself in and never tire of.
Quite how me saying I don't like the film is having such a damaging effect on your enjoying of the film I don't know. You might want to consider becomming a hermit, so you can cut yourself off from the possibility of other people and their opinions which are different to yours.
Subtlety. A lot of clues that become apparent only on the second, third and fourth time. But which you and the other detractors refuse to recognize.
Please, tell me what they are, because I don't have the time to spare going to see that film again, let alone twice or three times in order to enjoy it. |