I spent far, far too much time last year reading the message board on geoffthompson.com, GT being a former bouncer who's written a number of exccellent books on self-defence (the most useful being "Dead or Alive" - this book is also excellent). What I particulary like about the style of self defence taught/talked about over there is it emphasises working on your skills of awareness and avoidance and gives you all kinds of strategies for dealing with things before it gets physical. Well worth having a look at if you're interested or worried about that sort of thing. I think this stuff is really useful to know, for anyone. It's commonly refered to as self protection, rather than self-defence, because if you're in a position where you need to defend yourself, you've already lost the battle.
The other main thing I got from it was how erratic, uneven and dangerous fights are, and how little skills devolped a dojo or gym will translate to the "real world", unless your training "realistically" - and I don't train realistically and am very happy with that. With that in mind, I would do anything, up to and including complete personal abasement and humilation, rather than have a scrap. I'm quite happy with the way I'm developing as a martial artist, but I'm aware of the huge gulf in the (okish, but not that good) ability I have and scrapping for real. And I want to keep that gulf in place, thanks very much.
I did actually attend a "reality based" seminar and while an absolutely brillant day and loads of fun, it did make me ask, with all the other time commitments I've got is there really a place in my life, is there sufficient motivation/interest in developing those skills? The answer came back "no" pretty much. |