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So why don't you post on Barbelith enough?


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07:45 / 09.02.05
My new job keeps me from posting much, and then there's laziness - I skim through threads, see nothing that grabs me, and don't get round to starting any others. And as several people have said, noone seems to be about - all my old 'mates' have pretty much vanished. Maybe we need to put some effort in, spark a revival?
08:07 / 09.02.05
Yo, Rothkoid!

... cultivating spectacular sideburns

They were pretty tootin' impressive before. Email me a pic, you heteronormative old dog, you.

*takes in gathering of the Great, Good and Gone; gets faintly teary*

Ahh, Barbelith. I still love you, I'm just not in love with you anymore. Honestly, it's not you; it's me...

Actually, that's bollocks. It is you.
11:17 / 09.02.05
No, you were right. It's you. Everyone says so.
11:49 / 09.02.05
George and I have just been really busy with the move, really...
11:52 / 09.02.05
Ah, I'd heard about this new version of Blackberry Way you were all doing.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:35 / 09.02.05
Those copying public eye types, dammit.

The sideburns are going well. So well, in fact, that a bloke from a local glam band referred to them as 'thigh warmers' when he saw me last. Which is good enough for me.

Tonsorial times; longer, a little, but yanno - still going strong. I'll scare up a photo when possible...
haus of fraser
07:57 / 10.02.05
Its that damn kingdom of loathing for me....
10:07 / 10.02.05
Oh, dear. I killed Barbelith.

00:51 / 11.02.05
I Lurk a lot on the forums I can view on SomethingAwful (I'm not paying the 10 bucks to get an account)
Not Here Still
14:50 / 12.02.05
Busier, nowadays, I find: I never post from work anyway, unlike some of you slackers, and I'm doing stuff in the evenings which I wasn't before. Plus a change of job, a move across the country, plenty of similar stuff to that already posted.

Plus I got disheartened; I used to come on here, and people would be be posting stuff which made me challenge myself, look at what I thought about things, and in many ways, re-evaluate what I thought of the world. That doesn't happen so much anymore; I find that responses to threads with subjects I'm interested in often fall into two classes - predictable or negligble.

Maybe they're predictable because I have got used to posters and their styles, but whatever, I feel less of an urge to read than I did.

I also find that when I've started threads on things which interest me - for as is often said here, if you aren't reading the content which you want, start creating your own - I usually ended up posting ten times one after the other to the thread, followed with an interjection now and again by a solitary other poster.

Maybe my interests are wildly different than Barbelith's majority of readers; no criticism of Barbelith readers is meant there, but it makes no odds really, they're different whatever.

Admittedly, however, this hasn't happened with recent threads I've started, and I have found things a bit more promising recently.

But anyway, that's why I went away, and why I come back less than I used to.

And I got sick of hearing that Barbelith was dying, too...
Murray Hamhandler
21:01 / 14.02.05
I haven't posted regularly to B'lith in forever (although I just got knocked off page two of the "most posts" list...REPRAZENT) because, lately, I'd rather be an ass than see how far I can fit my head up my ass (no dizraspekt to those of you who find colon exploration to be a worthwhile past-time). And I've been around long enough to know that the behaviour that I'd like to engage in is frown'd 'pon 'round these parts, so I reign it in. And I have my fun elsewhere. Someday, I may reclaim my gravitas and re-join the crowd, but I think I've mostly moved on to a whole 'nother headspace of late. Sorry!
21:27 / 14.02.05
nightclub dwight, "aw shucks!"....

I'm in a barbelith-posting mode, apparently unlike everyone else!, and I do miss the old folks--especially Ganesh, Haus, Deva, Xoc, all...I am especially sad that the Headshop and Switchboard have been so slow of late, just when I got my partner to join. . . So I, too, have spent more time in Conversation where things are moving more rapidly.

I did like reading and responding to the Children thread just now, and so maybe we're back on a little? Still, yes, some new chaos, new folks might stir something up in Headshop and Switchboard.

Don't be afraid, lurkers! Join the headshoppy people. We promise not to bite. Well, everyone except Haus promises not to bite...
Mourne Kransky
09:52 / 15.02.05
I guess my secret had to come out sometime. I am, irl, Camilla Parker-Bowles and I don't have the time to flirt with the Cuties of the 'Lith no more, now that I have Cornwall to run and ol' Jug Ears to pleasure.

I keep up to date with the lives of the VIP 'Lithers by raking through their dustbins and through regular visits to Madame Zelda, Psychic and sayer of sooth.
10:21 / 15.02.05
Does that make Ganesh a tampon?
10:58 / 15.02.05
No, it just makes Xoc a cunt.
17:07 / 15.02.05
'nesh- you forgot the A-BOOM TSCH!!!
Mourne Kransky
20:00 / 15.02.05
And, just like yo' Mama warned ya, I got teeth.
doozy floop
14:44 / 16.02.05
I never posted enough because I couldn't register, what with the ban and all. But I've registered now (using secret powers never to be divulged). So I'll post more. Infintely more, in fact.

(and with contributions of this quality, I'll bet you're all so glad I'm here now...)

*sheepish wave*
14:51 / 16.02.05
It's a troll... ban it!
doozy floop
15:23 / 16.02.05

I'm not a troll, I'm just looking for love. Please don't set Haus on me
15:37 / 16.02.05
You are wise to the way of the boards...

Have you been reading for awhile?

I think the email system might do just fun. All is well.
16:46 / 16.02.05
Greetings to the Dooz de la Floop!

And don't be scared of Haus, he's all bark and no bite. Scratch him behind the ears. He loves that.
Bill Posters
17:19 / 16.02.05
Barbelith isn't dead. That is not dead which can eternal lie, and in strange aeons, even death may die.
18:34 / 16.02.05
Hello Doozy Floop. That really is the most delightful name.

Haus advice? Hmmm, he likes small furry things.* Placate him with those.

*Alive. Alive small furry things. Dead Dormice might not cut it.
19:33 / 16.02.05
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and in strange aeons, even death may die.

Not sure whether it says more about Barbelith or me, but this is, I think, the third time I've read that particular gobbet of Lovecraft quoted in the context of the board dyyying...
doozy floop
20:23 / 16.02.05
Bearo: I've been reading the board since last August or thereabouts, so I'm a little bit wise to its cheeky ways - and this is deepy weird, that you nice people I've been reading for so long are now talking to me... It's a bit like when characters off the telly suddenly appear in your living room and start talking to you. You know how weird *that* is.

Sekhmet, I believe none of this ear scratching business. I just don't believe in Haus's ears, quite simply. I see him more as a non-corporeal being.

The furry animals, however, would surely please any floating entity.

(Is this threadrot? My apologies...)
20:37 / 16.02.05
Hi doozy floop! That is, indeed, a lovely name.

Well, I've posted more in the last few days than I have in months. See, all we need is a good crisis and the board comes back to life. Kind of.
Dances with Gophers
07:12 / 19.02.05
I saw my shadow so I went back to bed!

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