Busier, nowadays, I find: I never post from work anyway, unlike some of you slackers, and I'm doing stuff in the evenings which I wasn't before. Plus a change of job, a move across the country, plenty of similar stuff to that already posted.
Plus I got disheartened; I used to come on here, and people would be be posting stuff which made me challenge myself, look at what I thought about things, and in many ways, re-evaluate what I thought of the world. That doesn't happen so much anymore; I find that responses to threads with subjects I'm interested in often fall into two classes - predictable or negligble.
Maybe they're predictable because I have got used to posters and their styles, but whatever, I feel less of an urge to read than I did.
I also find that when I've started threads on things which interest me - for as is often said here, if you aren't reading the content which you want, start creating your own - I usually ended up posting ten times one after the other to the thread, followed with an interjection now and again by a solitary other poster.
Maybe my interests are wildly different than Barbelith's majority of readers; no criticism of Barbelith readers is meant there, but it makes no odds really, they're different whatever.
Admittedly, however, this hasn't happened with recent threads I've started, and I have found things a bit more promising recently.
But anyway, that's why I went away, and why I come back less than I used to.
And I got sick of hearing that Barbelith was dying, too... |