Watched last week's episode through sheer boredom the other day (I've actually managed to watch all of them to date through sheer boredom. What the fuck does that say about my life?), and oh my god it's turned into a sitcom. A really bad sitcom. I mean, the hair thing with Barley was cliched shite. It's been done so often... and it went on so much longer than it needed to. Faced with reversal of 'look' triumph, Barley runs! He sees date! He runs into shop to hide! She follows! He hides head in bag! She misinterprets and thinks this is his 'look'! He attempts to buy bag to save face! Vendor attempts to block the save! Barley legs it! They go on date! Bag is eventually removed! Hair is ridiculed! Barley leaves, despondent! Funny silly silly Japanese media types love his hair! Barley Ascendant! Just shit. Really badly paced as farce, defies all internal logic as satire (if Barley thinks the hair is cool, why do all of the other idiots think it's so laughably shit?).
If, as it appears, Barley is being set up and set apart as a peculiar, amoral, tasteless little child-man, then it's a kind of Fawlty Towers/The Office style show about an odd little man and the cringe-making shit he gets up to. Which, if it's your thing, if fine - but Fawlty Towers was a build-up to a massive crescendo of farce every week, and Basil was an pitiable monster who you genuinely wanted to win, just for once in his life. David Brent, the same way. Barley's always on top - even when he loses, he ends up winning in the end. In the strata on the industry/scene he's in, he seems to be practically a high flier, and not just in his own head. Ashcroft's more of the kind of sad sack figure you usually root for to rise up and get out of the hole he's in - except he's a talentless dickhead. He's not a great writer caught up in hackwork he despises, he's a hack who hates his life. He's too ordinary to be tragic.
The more I watch this, the more I think this is a show about repulsive, misogynist morons, Barley is actually the hero of said show, and Brooker/Morris are these days as vacantly talentless as Ashcroft. |