BARBELITH underground

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09:14 / 25.01.05
Welcome to the counter culture. Please keep in mind that we are not realy the counter cultuer and if you say anything to subversive your threads will be locked and/or deleted. What the fuck I thought the counter culture was about extreme ideas and opinions. I was clearly wrong. It seems that the counter culture is policed just as well as regular culture, but at least your free..... TO DO WHAT WE TELL YOU.
09:55 / 25.01.05
your writings are not extreme or subversive. they are somewhat simple. hence the enormous indifference you're being greeted with. either everyone here is wrong, in which case why are you fraternising with the enemy, or they are are right, in which case you should just heed the advice being given you.

i reckon you're just a pisstaker myself, out to have a laugh. folk should leave you to it in that case, or run with the gaga.
10:16 / 25.01.05
Yes, quimper666 you are totally subversive, totally out there, totally radical as hell and then some.
happy now?
10:21 / 25.01.05
Baby rape
10:22 / 25.01.05
Need i say more?
Gypsy Lantern
10:43 / 25.01.05

Fuck off.
Haus of Mystery
11:08 / 25.01.05
Look under the footbridge and what do you find?
11:48 / 25.01.05
Speaking as a Convo, rather than Temple, mod, I'd just like to say we'd be happy- well, willing, anyway- to take it off your hands until its inevitable, and pointless, conclusion. It, and its thready brethren, are making the Temple look messy.
12:30 / 25.01.05
May i please ask you to search this site for a post that was deleted a while ago entitled Metarape, and be enlightened
12:46 / 25.01.05
Quimper love, please shut up now. Honestly, your silly threads are cluttering up the Temple. Can't you at least contain yourself to one thread? Please?
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
15:00 / 25.01.05
Yeah, we need some sort of catch-all thread for trolling where people like quimper can type all night until they reach their posting limits without any of the mods needing to clean up the mess.

Not that I'm going to start it, though. I don't want my name attached to that mess.
8===>Q: alyn
15:04 / 25.01.05
quimper66, I have a great book for you to read! It's in my pants. No, in the back.
8===>Q: alyn
15:11 / 25.01.05
Wait... up a little. Thaaat's right.

Whew. You're a good reader, quimper.
16:32 / 25.01.05
You see this is just one of the bloody problems with what you are doing quimper...

I went through the trouble of replying to you, in your "Serious thread", complete with links for you to do your homework about Barbelith and Global anti-Bush magick. Now it is gone. Deleted. Honestly, I wouldn't have posted there if somewhere on the thread it was mentioned that it was being moved for deletion. That would have been nice, but I am sure keeping up with cleaning up after this troll is quite bothersome for the mods.

Not only your work gets wiped out because you are acting like a a fucking troll. Thanks Asshole.

Barbelith has it's own culture. Live with it. If you don't, you will be unceremoniously slagged to death.
16:59 / 25.01.05
Remember to take the mask back off before it sticks, Quimper.....
Sir Real
17:23 / 25.01.05
That's the best reply to Mr. Quimpster yet.

Personally, I'm not really bugged by the ramblings. There's plenty of things in Barbelith that I don't want to read. I don't click on those links. I'm sure that there have been at least a few who were... overenthusiastic on first arriving here who later became valued members. Once our new friend catches his breath a bit maybe he'll be one too.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:39 / 25.01.05
Oh, the "serious" thread isn't gone, it's just been moved to the Convo, like this one.
18:31 / 25.01.05
You serious Mordant? :P At least that post wasn't for nothing. Or maybe it was.


Has quimper suddenly become a whimper?
bio k9
18:42 / 25.01.05
The serious thread has been locked. Bummer.
18:49 / 25.01.05
Is "boreorist" a word?
19:12 / 25.01.05
Does anyone know any Smiths lyrics about shoggoths?
19:15 / 25.01.05
I would go out tonight, but I haven't got a Shub-niggurath to weeeaaarrrr...
19:21 / 25.01.05
Frankly, Mr Shoggoth, I'm a sickening wreck
I've got the 21st Century (BC) breathing down my neck
I must move fast, you understand me
I don't want to be crushed like those penguins... Mr Shoggoth...
15:25 / 26.01.05
15:37 / 26.01.05
Oh dear. I think I know that guy.
Grey Area
15:57 / 26.01.05
Haus of Mystery
16:17 / 26.01.05
I never really liked Jennifer Garner until now, but that chick has some junk in her trunk. G-Gunk gunk.
16:52 / 26.01.05
Has she left the White Stripes, then?
8===>Q: alyn
20:58 / 26.01.05
I like that, not only did this person neglect to depilitate his legs & tummy, he didn't even bother to take off his glasses. What kind of ninja disguise is this?
21:03 / 26.01.05
I know I'd be taken by surprise.
8===>Q: alyn
21:12 / 26.01.05
I thought it was you for a second.

You know who would take you by surprise?

I saw it last weekend, by the way. Not as good. Actually, it had the feel of a TV miniseries crammed into two movies--like the sequel was actually the deferred finale of the first. Funny, since the Bourne Identity was a TV mini-series starring Richard Burton (the actor, not the explorer, he's been dead a long time). Would you be interested in collaborating on a series of funny Jason Bourne comic strips?
8===>Q: alyn
21:13 / 26.01.05
(I should note, the principal failing of the Bourne sequel is that Damon is longer appears in sweaters--they have this ridiculous penitant thing going on with drab grey t-shirts.)
Haus of Mystery
21:21 / 26.01.05
I have a problem with Matt Damon: he looks as though his teeth start just below his eyebrows.
8===>Q: alyn
21:32 / 26.01.05
How very shallow. You're just jealous, MacGyver, because he's 10x the man you are. He recorded the audiobook for Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, you know. Someday, he may be president.
21:36 / 26.01.05

Can he not be, please? People, do you not have any say in who runs your country?

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