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Weekend Warriors


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8===>Q: alyn
21:51 / 15.01.05
Do you know that about 25% of the threads I start end up being about menstruation? It's so weird.
Benny the Ball
22:14 / 15.01.05
It wasn't until I was 23 that I built up the courage to ask a girl friend about tampons, and why they don't just kind of squeeze out when they are removed...

She said that it look like 'liver'.

And when at University the toilets on out floor had a 'menstral' bin. Once every four weeks you would be hit with the smell of blood as you went to the loo. I had to fight every morbid fibre in my body not to look in that bin.

Now, moving on...

What about that Chelsea, or something....
8===>Q: alyn
22:20 / 15.01.05
Yeah, I'm pretty sure she menstruates, too.
Benny the Ball
22:32 / 15.01.05
Not if the rumours are true.... at least not for another nine months.
8===>Q: alyn
02:26 / 16.01.05

What are you doing tomorrow? I'm working, but I promise I'll spend the whole day thinking of pithy remarks to share with you when I get back. I had one earlier about why Spanish, not French, should be the language of love, but it might've been slort of offensive to French speakers, and I've been so offensive lately, like when I said, "Do I come to your job and kick the dick out of your mouth?" to Mystery Gypt in the NYC Gathering thread. I thought maybe I should reel it in a little.

Have you ever eaten breakfast cereal and, say, water? Or juice? Why does it have to be milk? I mean, there's no question that it does, I'm just saying "Why?"
02:36 / 16.01.05
I saw a friend of mine putting cornflakes and milk in the microwave a while bnack, and she seemed to think I was the fucked one for thinking that was pretty fucking weird.
8===>Q: alyn
02:42 / 16.01.05

What did you do next, Stoatarino?

Never mind, I'm going to bed.
02:48 / 16.01.05
I merely stood there in a state of bafflement until the situation became awkward.
Cat Chant
07:58 / 16.01.05
Sounds like you need to get a dictaphone and just sleep the day through, Deva.

Nonononooo, it's already been recorded. That's the thing. I wasn't even at the Ibadan conference, I might well have been sleeping the day through when it happened, but some bastard pointed a microphone vaguely in the direction of a bunch of mumbling academics and if I want to get to Melbourne with tangent this Easter I have to type up the crappy, crappy audiotapes (teaching not really paying enough for annual trans-world flights).

On the other hand, I also get cash by transcribing tape-recorded interviews with elderly refugees from Nazi-occupied Austria, all of whom have heavy accents and some of whom have speech problems due to strokes and/or deafness, so the Ibadan thing isn't that bad, I suppose. And I can now spell Oshogbo, Irele, Mbari and Nsukka without batting an eyelid, so I guess I'm learning stuff, at least.

Haus - feminine & scared is about right. (Hmm. Maybe in my case 'masculine and scared of having to incarnate sacred femininity' is even more accurate.)

Eep. Anyway, now I have to go to a panel with three papers - one by a Cixousian boy called "The Becoming-Femme of the Subject" (sure they could do with some butch input there), one in French, and one on abortion in Tracy Emin. Sunday, bloody Sunday.
09:46 / 16.01.05
Fuck, I HATE the quietness of SUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNDAAAAAYZZZZ at the Barb.

Rise and shine Barbelith.
11:03 / 16.01.05
Me awake, though too much Rome: Total War hath turned me into an imbecile. A stentorian, army-leading imbecilic CRUSHER OF THE WEAK, but still an imbecile.

I think I'm gonna watch Ichi The Killer then go to sleep. I have work (and thus important Late Shifting) to do tonight.

Welcome back, though.
16:50 / 16.01.05
why Spanish, not French, should be the language of love

it does have a certain yo no se que.
17:04 / 16.01.05
Cheers Stoatie, you sound like you're deep in the throes of addiction there with that game!
17:41 / 16.01.05
All I can hear when I see this thread is this -

The rebel of yesterday, tomorrow's fool
Who are you kidding being that cool?

Trying to break away from running
with the pack
But they ain't listening so you've
gotta go back

You're a weekend warrior when
you're one of the crowd
But it's over, just look at you now...

You're not so brave the way you behave
It makes you sick, gotta get out quick
It's all bravado when you're out
with your mates
It's like a different person goes through
those gates
And the game begins
the adrenalin's high
Feel the tension maybe someone
will die...

A weekend warrior lately
A weekend warrior sometimes
A weekend warrior maybe you ain't
that way anymore

You've gotta get out gotta get away
But you're in with a clique it's not
easy to stray
You've gotta admit you're just
living a lie
It didn't take long to work out why

It's hard to say why you got involved
Just wanting to be part
just wanting to belong...

A weekend warrior lately
A weekend warrior sometimes
A weekend warrior maybe you ain't
that way anymore

Some of the things that you've done
you feel so ashamed
After all it's only a game... isn't it?
And after all the adrenalin's gone
What you gonna do on Monday?

A weekend warrior lately
A weekend warrior sometimes
A weekend warrior maybe you were
never like that at all

And Tom Jones singing Gay Bomb is the other one, I'm drunk which is a really bad move on a Sunday night - I'm not sure what happened.
Grey Area
17:52 / 16.01.05
Well, I'm cursing the fact that I'm still marking essays. There's 30-ish left to do. The quality so far has been piss poor. I am not in a good mood.
18:18 / 16.01.05
I'm bored, I ought to be packing but I can't be bothered. I hate packing with a vehemence that has to be seen to be believed. Stupid packing. *slouchs off to his packing while complaining under his breathe*
Goodness Gracious Meme
19:47 / 16.01.05
Just back from second of two visits to London in a week. Intense and/but generally wonderful week, but boy I am glad to be home:-

*in my flat/cave
*in Bton, which is sooooo beautiful coming in on the train, all lit up and laid out.

Bit of geeking, cup of tea and bed for meeeee.
21:38 / 16.01.05
I ought to be packing but I can't be bothered

You're a crap gangsta.
Brigade du jour
21:45 / 16.01.05
bearo, thank you for expressing in the words of Steve Harris and Janick Gers what I had not the nerve to express in my own.
8===>Q: alyn
21:57 / 16.01.05
Oh, bear... you're always drunk.

But wait, are you saying that my Weekend Warriors thread is a lame wannabe Lateshift? I just don't happen to like Lateshift that much. I always feel like everyone's ahead of me.
22:12 / 16.01.05
Do Weekend Warriors get extra asscandles?

If so I'm scared Qalyn. Please don't make the nasties do that again........
23:01 / 16.01.05
Meme you know I thought that said Batcave there for a second .
I'm sat watching the French Connection with one eye and the Australian Open online scores with the other. Working from home isn't as much fun as it's cracked up to be, ah well at least I get a sofa at home.
What's everyone else up to?
23:06 / 16.01.05
Don't fight my shift, Q!


Oh no, I'm helping you win! I will fight you!
8===>Q: alyn
23:33 / 16.01.05
Ain't no haterz up in here, Stoat!

I'm listening to my sister sing terrible songs in the next room, and installing a scanner.
23:39 / 16.01.05
What is she singing?
8===>Q: alyn
23:53 / 16.01.05
Aw, shit, random stuff. I can't remember now, she's stopped. "I Love Rock & Roll"? But I like that song. Maybe not when she sings it, though. She's on the phone now, the little skank.
23:55 / 16.01.05
Ha ha! If only my sister were here so I could call her a little skank.
Saint Keggers
00:05 / 17.01.05
Sunday 9 o'four o'clock! Weak-end worriers! lol!
Brigade du jour
00:08 / 17.01.05
Put another dime in her jukebox, baby.
8===>Q: alyn
12:34 / 17.01.05
Madre del dios, ella cantando Phil Collins ahora. Quien es esta pequena persona? Como puede ser que somos relacionados?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:49 / 17.01.05
No te preocupes, dude. Maybe she's adopted.
13:11 / 17.01.05
There are no situations in life where Iron Maiden lyrics don't fit perfectly.

I'm not always drunk, I'm just usually drunk when I post on Barbelith. Everyone is much better looking on my Barbelith.
8===>Q: alyn
13:14 / 17.01.05
Claro que si, pero recuerdo cuando ella nacio. Posiblemente, ella tiene una cierta clase de fiebre del cabeza.

Ustedes saben, el Barbelith, ese el lunes de un fin de semana de tres dias sigue siendo el fin de semana. Montamos, guerreros del fin de semana, montamos!
13:16 / 17.01.05
(Le amo al "rock en roll" tambien, hombre. Y, ire' a un concierto de Phil Collins cuando estaba en Madrid desde hace muchos anos . . . Maybe I'M your sister's REAL sister!)
8===>Q: alyn
13:26 / 17.01.05
Ha ha ha! "Rock en roll"! Donde esta "el rock"? Esta en "el roll". Pero que si, porque no es "rock y roll", verdad? Te gusta "rocky roll" helado?

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