Sounds like you need to get a dictaphone and just sleep the day through, Deva.
Nonononooo, it's already been recorded. That's the thing. I wasn't even at the Ibadan conference, I might well have been sleeping the day through when it happened, but some bastard pointed a microphone vaguely in the direction of a bunch of mumbling academics and if I want to get to Melbourne with tangent this Easter I have to type up the crappy, crappy audiotapes (teaching not really paying enough for annual trans-world flights).
On the other hand, I also get cash by transcribing tape-recorded interviews with elderly refugees from Nazi-occupied Austria, all of whom have heavy accents and some of whom have speech problems due to strokes and/or deafness, so the Ibadan thing isn't that bad, I suppose. And I can now spell Oshogbo, Irele, Mbari and Nsukka without batting an eyelid, so I guess I'm learning stuff, at least.
Haus - feminine & scared is about right. (Hmm. Maybe in my case 'masculine and scared of having to incarnate sacred femininity' is even more accurate.)
Eep. Anyway, now I have to go to a panel with three papers - one by a Cixousian boy called "The Becoming-Femme of the Subject" (sure they could do with some butch input there), one in French, and one on abortion in Tracy Emin. Sunday, bloody Sunday. |