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Weekend Warriors


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8===>Q: alyn
03:03 / 15.01.05
What are you doing here? It's Friday night thru Monday morning, why aren't you out shakin' that ass or whatever?

My excuse: I work weekends.

Can I tell you something? It's personal.
8===>Q: alyn
03:05 / 15.01.05
[crickets, crickets]

Is this thing on?
03:11 / 15.01.05
ok it's on it's on. share with me.
03:21 / 15.01.05
I work weekends too. At night.
8===>Q: alyn
03:31 / 15.01.05
My mother is a pretty terrible cook.

Stoatie! Lateshift Weekend Warrior, you are the boss of the Barbelith underbelly!
03:33 / 15.01.05
That's quite possibly the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.
8===>Q: alyn
03:36 / 15.01.05
You know what we should totally do? We should totally have a contest. Or maybe a raffle. Prizes! Or, I know, a bake sale! And in the summer we'll do a bathing suit carwash. We could use the money to save the Books forum.
bio k9
03:36 / 15.01.05
Be glad. If your mom was a great cook you would probably end up marrying someone that didn't cook quite as good. Now you're almost guranteed that whoever you marry will be a better cook than your mom.

Whens the wedding?
8===>Q: alyn
03:37 / 15.01.05
When's the wedding?!? Motherfucker, it's in three hours, where are you with the ring and my cumberbundt?
bio k9
03:39 / 15.01.05
My daughter and I were having a sword fight (with screwdrivers because I don't own any swords) earlier and she yelled out "You're gonna pay for that, pirate!"

Then, seconds later:

"Four dollars!"
bio k9
03:41 / 15.01.05
What, you can't just bend up another spoon?
8===>Q: alyn
03:42 / 15.01.05
No, your sister ruined them all with butane.
8===>Q: alyn
03:43 / 15.01.05
Wait. Let me make that joke again.

No, that fancy little butane torch you bought your sister ruined all my spoons.
bio k9
03:43 / 15.01.05
Use a fork.
8===>Q: alyn
03:44 / 15.01.05
"Four dollars!"

She's a cheap date!
8===>Q: alyn
03:44 / 15.01.05
Okay, I'm going to bed. I have to move some pots around tomorrow.
bio k9
03:48 / 15.01.05
Benny the Ball
07:46 / 15.01.05
Weekends in this place, well, they are a little quiet.

I bought a jar (JAR!) of wine gums yesterday, and then sat in and played a football management game in an attempt to not over spend and over drink every weekend because a) it's that fabulous tax time of year and b) I'm trying to save money.

Dreamt that I was shopping for an engagment ring and putting houseplants in a bath.
08:41 / 15.01.05
It was my last day of work yesterday so I am happy. I'm also hungover and staring blearily at the screen is about all I am capable of, hence my presence here.
Saint Keggers
13:33 / 15.01.05
What the heck are wine gums?
13:41 / 15.01.05
Keggers, Keggers, Keggers...

First crumpets, now Wine Gums!?! What sort of backwards educational system do they have in Canada? Next you'll be saying you don't know what Macaroon is.
13:43 / 15.01.05
And no, it's nothing to do with macaroni
Saint Keggers
13:49 / 15.01.05
Of course I know what macaroon is! Its that horrid song/dance that was being played EVERYWHERE a few years back. Sheesh!
Cat Chant
14:05 / 15.01.05
I'm at a conference on 'The Feminine and the Sacred', of all things. I skipped the middle panel of the day to get some transcription done and now I have a headache due to listening to a man mumbling at me for three hours. Mumbling about lots of people with Nigerian names, what's more, which I have no idea how to spell, so half the time I can't tell whether he's saying something in English I can't hear properly or listing Nigerian sculptors. Now I'm waiting for the next panel to start (I know! Start! At 4:00pm!) but I'm in such a bad mood I don't know if there's even any point staying on.
14:06 / 15.01.05



Tsk, Tsk
Cat Chant
14:06 / 15.01.05
Damn the efflorescence of art and culture in Ibadan in the 1960s. Damn it, I say. Or at least enunciate it better.
14:22 / 15.01.05
Sounds like you need to get a dictaphone and just sleep the day through, Deva.
14:24 / 15.01.05
My first reading of that was "the femninine and the scared"... which struck me as a great idea for a conference...
14:32 / 15.01.05
A roomful of fourteen year old boys having the function of tampons explained to them.
15:06 / 15.01.05
scared or grossed out?
15:56 / 15.01.05
They act grossed out because they're scared.
Saint Keggers
16:17 / 15.01.05
Why would they be scared? They've all seen the comercial..a tampon is used to plug the leak in your boyfriends canoe.
16:18 / 15.01.05
Ta da!
16:21 / 15.01.05
Hey, you took my ta da!
16:37 / 15.01.05
You mean they're not what vampires use to make a cup of tea!?

I suppose it's not that scary after all then.

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