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The Late Shift: IS IT LATE ENOUGH?


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Mourne Kransky
05:12 / 16.01.05
Wish I had some fucking p;ie.

Just rummaged in the waste bin to get fag ends to make a roll up, and I supposedly gave up smoking over a year ago. Good job Ganesh went to bed, drunk, over an hour ago.

I am so dissolute. That'sone New Year's resolution kept so far then...
05:18 / 16.01.05
Being dissolute?
Brigade du jour
22:04 / 16.01.05
No, rummaging in waste bins at least once a night.

Hey everyone. I'm a bit sad. Mola Ram is dead.

Well ok, Bollywood actor Amrish Puri is dead, but he's probably best known to a lot of us (certainly me) as Mola Ram in Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom - "you vill become a true beliewer! Heh heh heh heh hehhhh|" That dude had one EVIL laugh.

I vote we all convert to the Thuggee faith for five minutes in his honour.
22:06 / 16.01.05
You've got me all choked up...

...I'll get me coat.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:59 / 16.01.05
I think it's probably best, old chap.
23:14 / 16.01.05
Word the fuck up!
Brigade du jour
23:16 / 16.01.05
Ooh I just pulled my own heart out. Feel much better now! This Thuggee thing isn't so bad, you know. If it weren't for the perpetual prostration playing merry hell with my kneecaps I'd probably stick with it.

But wait, who's this? Some white dude with a filthy brown hat and a Chinese kid driving a car? What the fuck?
23:18 / 16.01.05
On a Sunday night, can the late shift compete with the Weekend Warrior? To arms, brothers and sisters, to arms! Let us battle those weekend warriors. We're on 5 pages now. We can do this!

[cue up speech from Henry V]
23:26 / 16.01.05

Liger Null
23:44 / 16.01.05
All together now!

Kali-MA! Kali-MA! Kali-MA!
Saint Keggers
00:01 / 17.01.05
Brigade du jour
00:05 / 17.01.05
Kali-MA SHUK-tidey!

I just said that at work and one of my colleagues of a Hindu persuasion got really scared. Feel bad now.
Saint Keggers
00:21 / 17.01.05
Its alot funnier if I picture you in full costume.
bio k9
00:38 / 17.01.05
I gave a Warriors DVD to my uncle for Christmas one year.

Everyone just looked at me.
00:48 / 17.01.05
Keggers- I'm in the same office as him, and believe me, he is in full costume. And yes, it does make it a lot funnier.
Brigade du jour
00:53 / 17.01.05
If Barbelith had sound, I'd have you all thinking Amrish Puri was still aliiiiive! Heh heh heh hehhhhh!
02:26 / 17.01.05
I'm enjoying the dulcet tones of Rufus Wainwright this fine evening and waiting for the rollover in Kingdom of Loathing so I can blow forty turns in twenty minutes. God I'm bored.
Saint Keggers
02:36 / 17.01.05
Im enjoying the asphaltian voice of Mr. Leonard Cohen! Now pardon me...him and are going to take Berlin.
03:11 / 17.01.05
Well, dear Mister Wainwright and I are building a staircase to paradise. Not that it's a contest.
03:24 / 17.01.05
I'm listening to Dead Can Dance (again) and looking forward to a week off which should be pretty cool- Baz Auckland's over from canada tomorrow, I'm going to see Aladdin with Ian McKellen on Thursday, and Julian Cope on Friday. And it all begins very soon when I walk out of this fucking office!
Alex's Grandma
03:38 / 17.01.05
This evening, by a genuine mistake, instead of going to bed early like anyone sensible, with a bowl of soup and an improving novel, I wound up taking a large dose of teh *shrooms.* So, after a short but eventful tour of the cellars of my own insanity - clean, well-appointed, and all that, but I don't know if at the moment they're exactly market-ready, more of a sleeper, property-wise, I'd say - I'm not totally clear on what to do with myself now. Accept my destiny as a leader of the people, or accept my destiny as the leader of the people, or just go for a short walk outside.
03:56 / 17.01.05
Maybe you should just hang out here. I've always thought that Wednesday was the best day to launch any big plans, but maybe that's just because it always seems like everything's due on a Wednesday.

Monday's way too early to be start being the leader of anything.
04:13 / 17.01.05


Anyhoo, I'm off now! See you all later and goodnight!
22:44 / 17.01.05
Anyone there?
I'm at home, watching Lexx on DVD and drinking beer.
How 'bout you?
23:06 / 17.01.05
I'm here, Stoat. Just got back from dinner at our favorite little Mexican restaurant. Should be working, but, well, here I am instead. . .
Saint Keggers
23:16 / 17.01.05
Its 8:16 on a monday. 24 is soon to begin. So im posting here on the lateshift and the wine is getting quite thin. la lalala la la., la lala ti dah....
23:16 / 17.01.05
Technically, I should be asleep now. I should be back on normal day/night time, but I slept for a bit this morning and then fell asleep again this evening, so I'm trying to tire myself out by watching stuff.
Dinner good? (I really should eat something before I sleep, but the kitchen seems such a long way away...)
23:58 / 17.01.05
Dinner is, kinda by definition, a good thing. A young Chinese student is living with us right now, and she's always kind of fascinated by new parts of US culture, and she seems especially enamoured of going to Mexican restaurants where I talk to the waiters in Spanish. Dinner was enchiladas, and they were fine! And two negro modelos, a fine dark Mexican beer.
00:05 / 18.01.05
I'll second that vote for Negro Modelo. I now have a mighty thirst for Mexican beer. Good evening everyone.
00:24 / 18.01.05
Evening, levkar. Then I walked my dogs in the cold--it's below zero (farenheit) here--so the air is super dry and cold. The snow sounds different when it's very cold--it's kind of squeaky dry. It hurts your exposed skin.

But the stars look sharp as knife points. I somehow love this weather.
00:24 / 18.01.05
Good evening. Decided to be lazy. Some fried onion, some lentils and some tomatoes'll do me until the morning. Bung some cumin in and pretend it's a dhal.
No more beer for me tonight. I must sleep soon.
00:25 / 18.01.05
Evening, levkar. Then I walked my dogs in the cold--it's below zero (farenheit) here--so the air is super dry and cold--it hurts, kind of slaps, your exposed skin. The snow sounds different when it's very cold--it's kind of squeaky dry.

But the stars look sharp as knife points. I somehow love this weather.
00:28 / 18.01.05
Damn--I thought I caught that first post. I'm not going to bother the moderators. I'll just let it announce: I hit reply too fast and noticed that the sequence of my sentences was fucked. So shoot me! But let me smoke first, ok. I don't smoke really--just a damn party smoker--but if I were going in front of a firing squad, I'd definitely wanna smoke, first.
00:50 / 18.01.05
Ah, I miss dogwalking.

Anyhoo, 'tis off to bed for me, me hearties...

See yez all later.
00:54 / 18.01.05
I cannot believe I was just asleep and somehow woke myself up by snoring! I just don't understand.

This is he second time I've done this recently, gone to bed incredibly tired, slept for about 3o minutes then woken up and suddenly been fully awake. I don't like it!

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