Boboss, do you honestly think there's much chance of a Labour defeat though ? They're still at least a few points ahead in the opinion polls with only eight weeks to go, and this in spite of Blair's fairly demonstrable record of mendacity and/or incompetence with regard to Iraq, PFI, Foot and Mouth, asylum seekers and so on, and so on... It suits him and it suits Howard to pretend otherwise, but the idea that the Conservatives have a cat's prayer in hell of finding their way into Number Ten come May 5 is, unless Gordon Brown's caught fellating a sheep on the Strand at midnight or some such, just spin, surely ? Nu Labour are pretty clearly terrified of 'the project' going down in flames in a hung parliament, with all Mr T's good work being undone by the opposition, ie his own backbenchers, the unions etc, so you can see why they're worried, but according to most predictions they're on course at the moment to sail back in with the same old depressing majority, and it's a bit worrying to think of anyone, still, falling for anything Central Party Office has to say about anything, let alone this paper-thin wank about the Tory menace, which really doesn't exist.
I'd go so far as to say that if Michael Howard's the next Prime Minister, I will personally fellate a sheep on the Strand at midnight and sell the story to The News Of The World, and interweb pictures of the whole terrible scene to my friends and family, and if that's not an election promise, I don't know what is. |