Re: my rabid maunderings on the group servitor thread (Sorry, dead link)
Whether or not the chap in my dream was or was not Dabh, I have a strong feeling the dream itself had a message. I am no stranger to vivid dreams but this one seemed so much more coherent and significant than usual.
My instinct is that the communications device was the important part. See, I've been thinking about the existance and nature of non-human intelligence lately. What are we dealing with here? Angels? Elves? Aliens? Demons? The drivelling of bunch of deluded nutters?
About ten years ago, I had some episodes of post-sleep paralysis one of which included a very strong sense that there were two people in the room, watching me. I'd always dismissed this as a temporal lobe seizure.
Cut to a few months back. I was discussing alien/demon phenomena with my course tutor at uni, and I happened to mention my experience.
"So of course, these presences are just hallucinations," I said cheerfully. "People who imagine they've been visited by aliens and whatall are just victims of temporal lobe seizures."
"Ah, ha," replied my tutor, "but what if stimulating the temporal lobe actually allows us us to percieve entities that we couldn't normally contact?"
I stood there sort of opening and shutting my mouth for a while. I really didn't have an answer for that, beyond my kneejerk "don't be daft- aliens aren't real!" which suddenly didn't seem as cut and dried as it had five minutes before.
I still don't beleive in aliens. And I still think that my temporal lobe seizure hypothesis is a perfectly valid one. But then I have to ask myself: If I'm so damn cosy with this theory, how come I've never tested it? Answer: Because I've been too chicken. Because if I did attempt to make contact with the 'other people', I might just get an answer. Then I'd have to stop making snide jokes about anal probes and actually give the matter some serious attention. Taken in this context, I think the dream's message was "Give it a go! You can always plug the phone back in afterwards."
So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to put myself in a light trance and visualize creating the communications device from my dream. And then I'm going to sit back and wait for it to ring... 
[ 07-08-2001: Message edited by: Mordant Carnival ]
[ 07-08-2001: Message edited by: Mordant Carnival ] |