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Holiday Sproutfest Angst Trough


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10:37 / 22.12.04
I'm stealing this idea from a friend of a friend who hosted a Thanksgiving for their chums and asked for contributions of parental angst. It's as necessary as cranberry sauce.

Passive-aggression is an essential part of any decent festivity. I'm escaping the bosom/clutches of the family this year, so I'll miss those little tweaks on the twisted arm that tell me I'm home. Anyone else who's feeling nostalgic, homesick, or just wants to commemorate highpoints in the art of emotional blackmail, please pull up a chair. The table is stacked with hearty, non-denominational festive fare.

I'll be having some more buttered parsnips, and asking:

"Will you be coming to church with us later or do you have something more important to do?"
Our Lady Has Left the Building
11:07 / 22.12.04
Well, I've just got an email that the post-Christmas family get together has been cancelled due to ill-health so I will avoid getting questioned as to why I'm the oldest child from either side of the family not to have married and spawned... Yay!
pointless and uncalled for
11:22 / 22.12.04
Having sent in the sick note for Christmas I now will no longer be grilled on the following:

You seemed to be getting on so well with X, why did she leave you.

Aren't you interested in getting a proper job?

Leaving it a bit late to get married aren't you? (I wish someone would publish the cut-off date, I'll hold a party.)

Shouldn't you have a place of your own by now?

Don't you realise that by failing to subscribe to our norms you're creating a rift in the space-time continuum that could kill us all?
11:51 / 22.12.04
Dunno, my family are all right, actually. If they weren't I wouldn't bother going to see them. I certainly don't do the whole "going to see all the relatives even the awful ones" thing - would be difficult anyway since most of them are in South Africa.
Jack Vincennes
12:12 / 22.12.04
Less obviously critical, but 'Do you want more to eat?' is one of the worse questions my gran can ask. It sounds perfectly innocent, indeed quite festive, until you know that if you answer 'yes' you will be enjoined to 'Have some more Stilton'. Every year, my grandparents buy a full block of Stilton. This is a great deal of cheese, even between 15 people (some of whom quite like Stilton). It takes up a full shelf in my uncle and aunt's fridge, where it stays for about a month from the 22nd of December. During this time, the entire family feels extremely guilty for not eating all of the lovely cheese gran has bought, while simultaneously feeling somewhat ill at the thought of eating all the lovely cheese gran has bought.
Hattie's Kitchen
12:12 / 22.12.04
Last Christmas, I endured:

So why haven't you got a girlfriend yet? What's wrong with you? (Ever heard that quote, "They fuck you up, your mum and dad...")

For a lesbian, you don't seem that interested in having a girlfriend, are you sure you're not straight? (Of course, you're not properly gay until you're having proper gay sex ALL THE TIME.)

Why do you live in London, it's so dangerous with all this terrorism stuff. (Yeah, it's so much safer living where you are, where there have been 4 shootings ON YOUR STREET in the past 6 months...)

And it will start all over again tomorrow, yay!
12:20 / 22.12.04
Because my family largely don't celebrate christmas I have little emotional blackmail going on at this time of year - but it also means I am pretty unprepared for other people's expectations of what should happen during the festive season...
modern maenad
12:23 / 22.12.04
"But you look so well...." (have had disgraceful ME/CFS for 5 years)
12:39 / 22.12.04
Wow. My family are nothing like this, thank god. They just turn up, get drunk, eat lots, get more drunk and talk silly nonsense.
12:58 / 22.12.04
Jolly good show that bunch.

My family aren't too bad at all, which is why I can treat the whole shebang with a degree of affection. If it was 24/7 "Have you accepted Jesus into your slatternly heart yet, hoyden?" or "Why are you still stupid?" I probably wouldn't be inclined to mock it.

Some aspects are endearing but equally embarassing; whenever I tell someone I've been a student (at church - if I cave in and go along) Mother chips in: 'Not just an ordinary student, though!' And expects me to elaborate.

Next time I will just say, Yes, Ma, I am the Mutant Student.
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:30 / 22.12.04
Well, this year, we're having family stuff after christmas, precisely because of this.

Three of us made a pact that our Xmas day was going to be about unadulterated fun, and therefore had to cancel family and spend it together.


Mine are gradually getting better, they've given up on the worst passive-aggressions. They have grandkids on the way from my married sister, and assume because I'm queer that marriage and kids are out of the qu.(a stereotype I'm happy for them to live with)

I think the zenith was the year they told us repeatedly that they'd spent two solid weeks preparing dinner, and then refused to sit down and eat it with us, instead serving us and muttering about 'eating later'
13:54 / 22.12.04
Because I look like shit, my mother always tries to feed me up like a Christmas goose. The constant interrogation about the state of my appetite - while born from the kindest of motives - can become pretty wearying.
Mum: Would you like something else to eat?
Me: No thanks.
Mum: Piece of fruit?
Me: Really, no thanks.
Mum: A banana?

I also get a variation on Ex's invitation to church. Mine is 'It would be lovely if you could stay for a few days, but I suppose there's something you have to rush back to London for...' Puppy-dog eyes an' all. Occasionally she pulls out the 'I suppose that sooner or later you won't want to come back here for Christmas...'

Mostly though, my family gatherings are much like Ariadne's. I can pretend it's an ordeal.
salix lucida
17:57 / 22.12.04
My mum, like Smoothy's, just constantly tries to fatten me up. The unspoken bit of it is that she's quite certain I'm anorexic or am on drugs because, given our differences in metabolism, the only time in her life she weighed what I do, she was on speed. But we can't mention that in front of the rest of the family, oh no.
20:37 / 22.12.04
Wellll, since coming out to my aunt (with hilarious/disastrous consequences), Christmases have been relatively free of 'are you still too busy to see girls?' interrogation. There's still tenseness, however, related to my mother's apparent drive to a) control Christmas, and b) have her children perform.

The first manifests itself in my mother's Monica-from-Friends tendency to micro-manage every single aspect of the day, dispensing Fun in discretely-packaged units, to be consumed and photographed as she dictates. At the thin end of the wedge, this means her insisting that no presents can be opened until the Now That's What I Call Christmas album is on; further along the wedge, she's been known to label Christmas presents and produce word-processed agendas ("you can open Present No.1 now"). Woe betide anyone who attempts to stray from the pre-planned Agenda of Fun: offences include failing to smile for the camera and refusing to wear one's cracker-hat.

When one of my sisters spawned, I breathed a sigh of relief - and it's true that the pressure was off me (and my other sister) for a while. Unfortunately, my mother now feels the need to direct every family occasion, with prompts to "look at the baby" every thirty seconds or so, so no-one misses the fact that the baby's still smiling, or breathing regularly, or wearing clothes.

My mother's second major hair-tearing flaw (and stop me if I'm screaming 'issues' here) is her inclination to provoke performance - ideally competitive performance - in her children. These days, we're old enough and wise enough to steer clear of the competitive aspect, but the 'say/do something funny' stuff still grates. Me being a psychiatrist, it's now 'tell us a funny story about your patients'. I have a wealth of witty, laugh-a-minute anecdotes on the theme of psychiatric suffering and, unprompted, I might relate them; when pressed, however, I regress to Kevin The Teenager surliness, and point-blank refuse to play ball.

And, naturally, there's the usual pushing of Guilt buttons. If I agree to spend New Year with my mother, I get the whole 'couldn't you come up for Christmas too, and fly back to London for the week in-between' line. It's ne-e-ever gonna be enough.

Lurid Archive
21:09 / 22.12.04
and stop me if I'm screaming 'issues' here

But thats the best bit.
21:16 / 22.12.04
Well yes. When I say "stop me", obviously I mean "indulge me".
Goodness Gracious Meme
21:36 / 22.12.04
Na, keep going, it gives us something to gossip about.
21:37 / 22.12.04
You are actually all Bridget Jones.

My family bears no resemblance to any of these stories whatsoever.

My family gets very, very drunk (apart from my Uncle who used to be a Nuclear Physicist. He spends the day building obscure and complicated but very cool flying objects with my son, which are generally created using only lego and gunpowder).

My sister gets so drunk she can't speak and falls over. (This is so normal that her nickname is FDB, which stands for Falling Down Bird. It's a nickname which has been with us so long that her husband actually called her it during their marriage vows.)

My Mum divides her time between helping me cook and talking to my Auntie about the dogs a lot. (Really, really a lot because there are a lot of dogs to talk about when we all all together, to the tune of six.)

My Auntie does nothing except inhale every item of food offered and drink hideously sweet wine, and my cousin's boyfriend looks at horrible porn of the style on the web when he thinks no-one's looking yet doesn't even have the sense to clear the history on the computer.

Sometimes my sister cries.

And no-one ever says anything mean apart from me when I am trying to make everyone go away and let me sleep once it gets to 3am. Once I actually had to get into my makeshift blow-up bed in front of my Aunt and Uncle whilst they were sitting on the sofa before they got the hint that it was time to go.
21:44 / 22.12.04
Na, keep going, it gives us something to gossip about.

Nowt to gossip about, really. Absent father, overbearing mother. I'm textbook.
imaginary mice
22:15 / 22.12.04
Christmas this year is going to be fucking horrible. I’m going home tomorrow and I’m shit scared. My parents separated in August because my father is an alcoholic and my mum just couldn’t deal with him any longer. Now that he’s on his own he drinks even more than he used to. I’m staying at his place for a week and it’s going to be very difficult. I might just have to spend the evenings alone in my room because my father tends to babble incoherently when he’s drunk - not nice. He can’t deal with the fact that my mum walked out on him after 25 years (she told me she should have done this 10 years earlier but she stayed because of me - thanks, that’s making me feel so much better…), so he’s being really nasty to her. He tells the most horrible (and fictitious) stories about her - to anyone he knows (including the neighbours and even his mother-in-law). I spoke to him on Sunday and he told me that my mother was a witch and should be burnt at the stake. They’re having loads of arguments at the moment because he’s trying to get rid of all the things that remind him of her - he’s basically throwing all her stuff away. He gave some valuable items to my half-brother (not my mother’s son) who’s refusing to return them and she’s now considering suing him for theft. My parents are both completely mental. It’s quite funny actually, I’ve spent all year reading self-help books and trying to figure out what went wrong in my childhood that turned me into such a freak - turns out it’s all inherited.

Merry Christmas.
22:59 / 22.12.04
Doesn't mean your difficulties are necessarily "inherited", IM; not in a genetic way, anyway. You could merely have been influenced by growing up in the circumstances you grew up in.

Do you have to stay with your father for a week? First rule of parental Christmases, as far as I'm concerned, is to try to ensure you have alternative accommodation if necessary - so you can jump ship if you need to. Do you have friends you can stay with if you fall out with your Dad? If so, do discuss the fallback possibility of bailing out and staying with them.

Remember: you're not actually responsible for your parents and/or their behaviour toward each other.
07:51 / 23.12.04
There's still tenseness, however, related to my mother's apparent drive to a) control Christmas, and b) have her children perform.

Dude, you're missing a golden opportunity. If she wants you to perform, why don't you analyse your mum and your aunt in front of the family? Guaranteed hilarity for all concerned, and low odds of ever being asked to do so ever again.
pointless and uncalled for
08:30 / 23.12.04
fallback possibility of bailing out

Frankly, if I were in your position, I would consider this as the primary option. I appreciate that certain exceptions to the shit tolerance levels apply for family but there are limits.
20:59 / 23.12.04
Nothing really abnormal or specific to Christmas.
Just the brain numbingly annoying question of lets say
"Oohhh so and so is nice why haven't you called them recently"
The response usually being "Well actually so and so is a complete fuckwit who thank Dog I haven't set eyes upon in three fucking years".
Or the lets say the limiting of any actual movement or action
by negative orders "Don't do that" "Or just sit there" "You don't want any wine" I used to get your brushing your teeth too loudly so you can imagine the critical shock and awe Christmas invokes.
The result being that I always have the urge to run from the house screaming five minutes after I arrive.
Which is why I don't visit although Christmas is an obligation.
(tone sarcastic) but I love them really.
12:34 / 25.12.04
I just got a load of stress off my Mam for not eating my dinner at the table. I'm sat upstairs eating it now.
12:35 / 25.12.04
Satan made me do it. HAHA.
12:48 / 25.12.04
My mum threw a plate at me today fpr 'not joining in'. She takes it as a personal affront that I'm happy to sit and read rather than panic about nothing and argue about nothing.

She kicked my monitor too.
13:02 / 25.12.04
Mental. I'm not Christian so I don't see why I should do anything different than any other day.

HUMBUG! It's like your conditioned to feel like an enemy of Christ or summat. YOU NOT CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS! YOU WITH DEVIL!

H'okay, I'll go do some mantras now. Pull a cracker for me while I'm gone.
13:11 / 25.12.04
When you've got your own house, you can have Christmas dinner on your own by the computer. But while you're in _our_ house you'll celebrate Christmas _our_ way.
13:28 / 25.12.04

"I knew he was going to ruin Christmas. I don't know why I bother."

"We all sit at table, why not you be robot and pretend celebrate Christ too? Huh? Why are you so against Christmas? You with DEVIL?!? YOU SUCKY SUCKY SATAN? YOU BAD MAN, HUH?!? We spent all that money aswell............why can't you just show some respect for cash Santa?"
13:46 / 25.12.04
"Are you wanking in there?!"

"It's Christmas day for pete's sake!"

"Oh Lord please forgive us, we tried our best with him, but he's always had this urge for himSELF!"

"Well then discipline him more!"

"Ooh nooo, not the bloody VOICES again......"
13:57 / 25.12.04
14:01 / 25.12.04
Vakhu, dude. Really. Just go out there, give your mum a hug, and watch telly for a bit. Costs you nothing, makes them happy...

Might want to finish wanking first, mind. And do your trousers up!
14:04 / 25.12.04
Hey, things are looking up! I just found out that I've got about 30 bottles of beer from my Nanna!


14:07 / 25.12.04
My Mams ok now. As long as she knows me and my brother are happy she's fine.

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