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The shifty thread


Page: 12(3)

02:53 / 23.12.04
No, like dogs' eggs.
Saint Keggers
02:56 / 23.12.04
You've gone and confused me!
02:58 / 23.12.04
lo all. free me from my burdens.

Now explain these "dog eggs" if you will...
02:58 / 23.12.04
I'm confusing myself. It must be bedtime.
03:02 / 23.12.04
so... kegs... how's it hanging?

I have gotten your resume yet.
Saint Keggers
03:05 / 23.12.04
Believe me, you dont want it... I could write my resume on a matchstick book.

But its hanging just fine! And yours?
03:08 / 23.12.04
To the right as per usual. Though this will be my 15th consecutive hour in front of at least two monitors. Have a site launch for the New Year and tomorrow morning is the hand off before the backend is attached.

Then on a few hours of sleep, the drinking shall begin as we enter holiday.
03:13 / 23.12.04
I was hoping you'd at least be tele-commuting to tomorrow's debauchery.

Sounds like you have a bit of your holiday arrangements in order.
Saint Keggers
03:14 / 23.12.04
What is tommorrow debauchery?
03:19 / 23.12.04
That party with the alcohol and scantly clad servers. I know that we're each getting handed a bottle of champagne in about 12hrs.

Sounds about right as I'm approaching a 40hr week in 3 days.
Saint Keggers
03:41 / 23.12.04
Ahh...was that tommorow.. Have a drink for me then?
03:52 / 23.12.04
Will do. Let's just hope I can sober up in time to do some christmas shopping.

Well, since I can't really do much more of this, I'm off.

Have a good one.
Saint Keggers
03:58 / 23.12.04
you too. Good night!
Saint Keggers
03:03 / 24.12.04
ALways the last to leave and the first to arrive.

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