I really dislike Christmas. I'm not a Christian, and I don't want to celebrate. I haven't wanted to celebrate since I was a little kid, when celebrating meant buying hardly anything and getting hundreds of dollars worth of presents from my parents. I spend time with my immediate family on a regular basis, but I really hate having really no choice but to spend a whole day in the presence of my aunt, who thinks Christmas is a perfect oppertunity to insult me for how shitty my life is, for being vegan, for not being a republican, for not having graduated college yet, etc. I hate the extreme pressure to spend a shitload of money buying stuff for people that they don't really want (yeah, I know you wanted an ugly sweater or some stupid CD that you'll never listen to and that you could have just downloaded or that I could have burned you a copy of), and I really don't like the idea of other people spending a lot of money because they feel like they have to. None of my friends are Christians, but they always buy me stuff, and they expect me to do the same. I try to talk to them about it before the buying season starts, to get them to agree that since neither of us is Christian, and since we'd both rather be spending our money on beer and weed than ugly sweaters, that we ought to just agree not to give gifts, but they never want to agree to that, so I always end up spending money on my non-Christian friends. I don't actually spend time with my friends on Christmas doing anything celebratory, so it seems like it's just another reason to have to spend money, and I feel like it's all some commercially driven bullshit holiday where the only point is to spend money and to make sure that your friends and family also spend money, sometimes more money than they really have available to them. It doesn't get all that cold here. It's not as if it snows. I find it rather depressing to be stuck inside my parents house all day with my crazy, mean aunt insulting me. If I try to go anywhere, my friends are all stuck inside with their families (or happy to be with their families, but they never sound happy about it), and none of the stores or restaurants are open. I'm not a Christian, and I wish other people would stop trying to insist that I celebrate a Christian holiday. If it's about spending time with people you care about, then why do I have to spend time with my evil fucking aunt, rather than my friends, whom I actually do care about? All it seems to be about to me is spending money to line to pockets of those bullshit corporations that I hate anyway. |