from this week's Lying in the Gutters...
So, I get this e-mail. It could be one of the nonsense faked leaks DC are trying to put out there (to counter the true ones I usually get) but even if fiction, it's entertaining enough.
"Anyway, apparently Countdown leads into DC's major summer event, Crisis on Earth. The basic plot is that someone wants their Earth (Earth X) restored the way they remember it. The twist is that the protagonist is based on our Earth, and in our time.
"It's a place and time called Prime Time.
"20 years ago, post Crisis, the protagonist was integrated into our time and space, and has been reading comics but slowly becoming aware they were out of place and time. After reading Identity Crisis, something contained within leads to this person realising that, and they want to correct matters.
"Supposedly DC Countdown leads to the moment of awareness, and the reboot of the DCU is their point of view focused upon the heroes and how this person wants to see the DCU. For a few months, significant changes will be made to the DCU, destroying the concepts that most people believed in, but they won't be long lasting.
"Seven Soldiers is supposedly the 'real' DCU universe as we see it, and events contained within that will lead to the formation of a group that knows what is wrong with the DCU, and ultimately how to fix it.
"This forms the basis of the hypertime idea, allowing multiverses and multitimelines to coexist after the event, and Seven Soldiers will suggest the awareness of the DCU that Grant Morrison wanted before as events in SS will drop hints to the characters within about their role and how to fix the brokenness."
Now I've been told that there's a lot wrong here, the timeline doesn't work out so well and things are horribly mixed up. And "Prime Time" is not the title. But that might mean there's a gem of correctness in here... somewhere... |